(10) "Enough Already"

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Three months later.

Bucky was the only one home when he seen Nikki's car across the street. He went across the way  and went inside. He seen Nikki's laundry baskets on the couch. So he made his way to the laundry room. 

"Nicole?" He said 

"Oh..it's you." She said as she was switching loads. 

"Can we talk without you trying to attack me or yell at me?" He said 

"Buck I really don't want to." She said 

"Nicole it's been five damn years since we ended. We are 21 years old we are adults enough is enough." He said as he leaned against the kitchen table.

She slammed the dryer door turned it on and picked up her basket. He followed her into the living room. 

"You really have no idea what you did." She said 

"Nikki..I'm tired of the riddles. I'm tired of you hiding behind your secrets. Yes you are right the damage is done. We can't go back and change it but I still have my days where I wonder what went wrong." He said as he began to help her fold her clothes. 

She looked down. "I though you were breaking up with me.." she said 

He looked at her confused for two reasons. He was holding a pair of her jeans and saw the size said 00. "Nicole are you alright? And two why would think that?" He said 

She took her jeans folded them. "Because you were so "busy and tired". You never wanted to come see me when I was in Florida even when my dad offered to come get you. It was all I have to work..work..work. Then when I did come in to town you were tired to spend time with me or working. You never wanted to take time off for me..but you took a whole week off for the boys to go camp. I cried James I cried every night..till Maci said that it sounded like you were pushing me away that you wanted break up and was just waiting for the right moment. So yes I did cheat but you..and when I came home two days before school started back you treated me like shit you even made me go home after we had sex which you acted like you didn't even enjoy. So when I found you at your locker that morning I was going to tell you it was over but you started yelling and getting mad at me.." she said 

Bucky gulped as tears began to well. "Nikki I was working all those hours cause I was trying to save my money. I wasn't going to be put on the schedule during football season. I was trying to save money so we could go on dates..and so I could pay for my truck. And I had a promise ring picked out for you that I was going to buy for your Christmas present..it wasn't like I wanted to be away from you Nicole. I missed you every damn day and as far as the trip goes that was why I didn't take off any other days cause I had already put in for that trip. And instead of hoping in bed with some dude you should of opened up your mouth and said something. I can't believe all this time you have been angry with me when all I was trying to do was save up money so I could buy this beautiful expensive promise ring and take my girl out on dates in a truck that I bought and you did that you let Maci put an idea in your head that wasn't true. I loved you Nicole and I thought you knew me better than that. And as far as the last night we had sex..I didn't enjoy it cause I couldn't believe you were riding  my dick knowing full well that you had cheated and hadn't said a word the whole two hours that you were at my house. That's why I made you go home.." he said as he walked out. 

She looked down. "Oh god.." she whispered as she sat down on the coffee table. 

She finished her laundry and left. Bucky was drinking a beer as he sat on the back porch. He was wiping tears. The guys came out he told them everything she said. The next day Steve found Nicole at the coffee hut in the student lounge. 

"Can we talk?" Steve said 

"Um..sure." She said as they sat down. 

"I feel like I owe you an apology." He said

She looked at him confused. "Why?" She said 

"I wasn't aware that my birthday trip was the reason why you and Buck started having problems." He said 

"Steve no please don't. It was your birthday.." she said

"I know but Nicole he loved you. And I didn't know that he was working so hard to save up his money that the only days he took off was for the trip. That wasn't fair to you so I'm sorry. But I know him Nicole he loved you and he wouldn't have intentionally hurt you. He wanted to marry you.." Steve said then left her there. 

She sat there as she fought back tears before she headed to class. 

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