(15) Another Wedding More Drama

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Two years later 

It was finally Sam's turn to get hitched. Delilah and Sam invited Nikki to the wedding but Delilah said she wouldn't make her a bridesmaid since she and Bucky couldn't be around each other. So Nikki and Riley made their way up to GA for the wedding. Bucky and Emily were still together and living in Macon. 

He was now their old high school's football coach and a history teacher. He has also taken on helping his brothers and cousins run the auto shop from a management position. James and his brother are both getting up in age. Their daughter is now four years old and a tiny Emily Jr with her red hair. 

Nikki and Riley pulled into the gravel parking lot. The boys seen his gray Audi parking. 

"Who in the hell do we know that can afford a Audi?" Clint said 

"Nicole comes from money." Matt said 

"Yeah but she never liked to flaunt it. She drove her charger and her camaro." Bucky said 

"Then who is it?" Steve said 

They saw Riley get out of the driver side open up his passenger side door. 

"Uh..that's Nicole." Clint said 

"Who is the guy?" Steve said 

"She did mark plus one on her RSVP." Sam said 

"She's pregnant.." Steve said when they saw her baby bump. 

"I need a drink.." Bucky whispered when he saw a huge sparkler on her hand. 

Once the ceremony was over they were all at the reception. She introduced him to the girls she and Natasha were so excited to be pregnant together. They were sharing a dance when Emily seen them. When she walked over to Bucky she had a big smile on her face. 

"So I see your princess has moved on?" She said 

"Emily I don't care. I told you that I no longer cared. I mean for godsakes we are trying for baby #2." He said 

Once their dance was over Bucky made his way to their table. 

"Hi Nicole. It's good to see you." Bucky said 

"Oh hi James. This is my fiancée Dr Riley Weston. He's a resident at Miami-Dade Regional Hospital." She said as she ate a strawberry. 

"Nice to meet you Riley. How did you two meet if he works at the hospital does he work for your dad?" Bucky said 

Riley shook his head no. "Actually we met about ten years ago through my brother. He was dating her sister at the time.." Riley said 

Bucky looked at Nikki. "You..your summer lover? You are with your summer lover! The one you slept with behind my back!" He snapped 

"Yeah we have been together two years now. We are expecting a baby girl we are due in October. And getting married next summer." She said as she continued to eat her strawberries. 

"Nice to finally meet you. It was pretty shitty of you to treat your girl like crap just because she had spend her summer breaks with her dad." Riley said 

Bucky had nothing to say at first. "Did you fall in love with him that summer? Is this why you keeping running back to Florida." He said 

"No! And for your information..we didn't reconnect till two years ago when he was picking up Sloane for Tommy." She said 

Bucky shook his head and walked off. Sam cut her look as well as the others. 

"I think we should go Riley. We caused enough ruckus." She said but Bucky at the bar downing shots caught her attention he was wiping his face. 

Emily walked over to her. "Look I know you are friends with the girls but I think you have done enough damage to my husband. Stop coming up here if you want to visit your mom that's fine. But you stay the hell away from him." Emily said and walked off. 

"Yeah we need definitely need to go." She said as they made their way to the parking lot. Bucky was bawling nobody was sure why. They all knew he loved Emily so why was it hurting him seeing Nikki with Riley. 

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