(26) "She's One of Mine"

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Four days later

Nikki was making the girls breakfast Saturday since she had the day off again. As she was making some oatmeal her cellphone began to buzz. She saw that it was Winnie calling. 

"Hello.." she answered 

"Hey honey. You did say that you had the day off today right?" Winnie said 

"Yes I do." Nikki said as she put oatmeal in a bowl for Saylor. 

"Well like I told you last Saturday we have family dinners on Saturday nights. And tonight I'm making homemade chicken pot pie. Besides James has apples and peaches as well as veggies from the garden. He also has a surprise for all the little ones. And you know that you are always part of my family Nikki. I have always considered you like my third daughter." Winnie said 

Nikki swallowed hard. "Winnie I don't think me being there is a good idea. I'll just come by before dinner to get the fruit and veggies." She said as she began to feed Zara some of her oatmeal. 

"Honey who said you weren't allowed at my house." Winnie said just as Bucky was coming into her kitchen to help out around the farm again. 

"I just don't think it's a good idea. You need to talk to your son Winnie. Me being there might cause more tension in his marriage. I don't want to be accused or have to sit through another awkward lunch with his wife. I have been trying so hard to keep my head above water these last three months I don't needed anymore added stress or drama." She said she didn't realize that Winnie had her on speakerphone. 

Winnie looked at her son. "Nicole come to dinner sweetheart. I'll take care of my son and Emily. It starts at six." She said and hung up. 

Bucky was making himself a plate of breakfast. 

"Morning mama.." he said as he licked some gravy off his finger and sat down. 

"What is Nicole talking about? A lunch with Emily?" Winnie said 

James sat his coffee cup down and lowered the paper. 

"Emily earlier this week had a breakdown. She accused me of having an affair..told Nikki that she believes that I'm still in love with her. And thank you for causing more drama mom because I didn't tell her about Matthew. So she had Nikki meet her for lunch telling Nikki that I have some secret love playlist that she believes that I'm not all in with her that I'm still pining for Nikki..asked Nikki if she seen me last weekend..so Nikki came by the shop and told me everything that was said.." Bucky said 

"And what did you say?" Winnie said 

"That I love my wife and there is still a part of my heart that still loves her too. And she told me to figure out what I wanted..mom why did Nikki's marriage fail?" He said 

"Don't you try and change the subject. Emily needs to watch herself..I've told you from the beginning that I haven't exactly gotten the best vibe from her. She's rude to Nicole and she makes a point of rubbing it all in her face. And I've got news for her she starts problems in my house she won't like what she gets. This is my house and Nicole is like one of my own." Winnie said 

"Yes I know." Bucky said 

"You have blessed with three grandbabies with her. But Nicole will always be a part of your story son because of Matthew. Emily needs to realize that you two share a bond because of that reason alone. So you need to warn Emily that if she starts her bullshit tonight I won't hesitate to say anything." Winnie said 

"Yes ma'am. Now will you please answer my question." He said 

"Her marriage ended because Riley had a skiing accident with his brothers. There was avalanche it paralyzed Riley from the waist down. Tommy Maci's ex/Sloane's daddy passed away. His other brother got lucky suffering minor injuries. The oldest brother and their dad nearly escaped. But the paralysis caused Riley to become angry abusive and uncaring as well as unloving. She walked away after he snapped at Saylor her oldest daughter..she had enough." Winnie said

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