Bonus Chapter 3: "How Could You"

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Bucky was eating his lunch at the shop with Nikki. She had brought him lunch from the local chicken place. When Sam came in to the shop he came up to the office after coaching basketball practice. 

"Hey man you texted me." He said 

"Yeah.." he said 

"Do you need me to leave?" Nikki said 

"No you stay right there.." Bucky said 

"How could you Sam?" Bucky said as he turned his attention back to Sam.

"How could i what. Is this why you were giving me dirty looks all day yesterday at your daughter's party." Sam said 

"You sat there and convinced me to break up with her!" Bucky said as he pointed to Nikki. 

"What?" Nikki said 

"Go ahead Sam..tell Nicole how you told me to break up with her. How you said that it didn't matter the how or you have even the slightest idea of what you have done?" Bucky said 

Nikki swallowed hard as she texted the others. 

"She felt like I didn't want to be with her anymore cause of what happened to our son! She thought I was blaming her! Do you want to know what happened when she moved to Florida! She was pregnant Sam! With my baby and before you say anything I know it was mine cause I specifically remember her telling me that she had just gotten off her period before she came home!" Bucky said in a raised tone. 

Sam looked down. 

"You made me look like a total ass! She miscarried that baby and because you told me to leave her! You told me it was for the best! I let her down by not being there! I made her feel like total shit! All because of what you said!" Bucky said 

"It seems Steve is the only one that gave a shit about us. Scott Rhodes Clint and Matt were all in agreeance with you Sam. It's nice to know that our friends think so highly of me. I was hurting..I wanted my boyfriend with me and he was neglecting me. And yes I know that doesn't make it right Sam but maybe next time someone does something wrong maybe you should know the whole fucking situation first! Because of you I have to fight every day to not go down a dark hole of my eating disorder. I've been diagnosed with depression anxiety and told that I have abandonment and trust issues. And all of it stems from the break up so fucking thanks." She said as she walked out. 

"Bucky I'm sorry. I was just trying to be a good friend." Sam said 

"It's going to take a whole lot of time for me to get her back Sam." He said as he went back to his desk. 

Sam swallowed hard as he left the auto shop. 

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