(35) "One or Two?"

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Two months later 

Nikki was upstairs practically hugging the toilet. Bucky had Sienna helping him with the little ones while she tried to pull herself together for work. Sienna was now 12 years old and was becoming a big help with the little ones. She loved having Nikki as a stepmom cause she does the fun stuff. She even made her sex talk less scary. 

Bucky came upstairs to see Nikki laying in the bathroom floor. 

"Baby you alright.." he said as he sat down beside her.

"Buck I already called in. I have never been this sick before not with any of my...oh my god oh my god.." she whispered as she sat up. 

"Nikki what's wrong?" He said 

"Bucky I'm late..I haven't had a period since..a week before the wedding." She said 

"Oh my gosh. Okay..you stay here. I'll go to town and get a test. Maybe 5.." he said 

"James don't do that. Don't act like how you acted when were 15." She said 

"Baby I'm not trying to act like that. Just I'm scared you have lost two of my babies. I just I'm scared cause this one just do the math. I'll be back.." he said 

She looked down. "Do the math." She whispered to herself.

She began to count up 9 months from June. "Oh god..another March baby." She whispered 

Thirty minutes later Bucky returned with a CVS bag filled with five different boxes. All the tests said positive. 

"We are having a baby.." Bucky said 

"We are having a baby. A baby.." she whispered as she held her stomach. 

"You can't be stressed or anything Nikki. Please.." he said as he looked at her. 

"Okay.." she said 

A week later they went to see her doctor while the three older ones were at school and Winnie watched the two little ones. The doctor kept quiet as he kept moving the wand all over her stomach.

"Dr Larkin is something wrong?" Bucky said 

"James breathe..." Dr Larkin said as he continued to make notes. 

"Is there one or two or something Dr Larkin? Cause you know I.." Nikki said as she laid there. 

"There is two. In their own sacs so they are fraternal twins. Your due date is March 15th. And granted I know that you both have had successful pregnancies in the past. But according to Mrs Barnes medical chart she has suffered two miscarriages with you Mr Barnes we will be monitoring you very closely Nikki." Dr Larkin said 

"We are having twins." Nikki said 

"Yes ma'am. Keep stress levels down and we will be doing ultrasounds each week to monitor them closely." Dr Larkin said as he closed her chart. 

"Okay." Bucky said

"See you next week." Dr Larkin said 

"How many weeks am I.." Nikki said 

"10 weeks." He said as he walked out. 

"I'm definitely getting snipped after this.." he said 

"Bucky can we discuss that at a later time. Like when we know that they are going to be okay please." She said 

"I know that. I'm just saying baby we already have a house full..and granted I wanted some of our own. I just wasn't expecting twins." He said 

"Well I am 33..almost 34." She said as she kissed him. 

Two weeks later almost to the day they announced they were expecting Matthew they announced they were expecting the twins.  Parents and everyone was overjoyed with the news and even understood Dr Larkin's concerns of their fertility together. 

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