(29) Christmas Gets Ugly

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Just two weeks later was Christmas. Nikki came in with both of her girls balancing a stack of gifts and cakes. Bucky came running over to help her. 

"You could've texted me to come out." He said 

Emily rolled her eyes as she fed Carter. Bucky hadn't been home much he was still crashing at his parents place. When he did go home it was a war zone between him and Emily. She felt humiliated when her parents found out about the pictures. But she showed up to Christmas breakfast with a fake smile on her face. 

Saylor found Ashlynn playing with her new Barbie play set. Alexandria took Zara "Merry Christmas! It's your first Christmas nana's sweet girl." She said

"Really?" Bucky said as he looked to Nikki. 

"Yup..I was seven months pregnant last Christmas. Say it's okay.." Nikki said with tears in her eyes. 

"It's such shame. But say it's okay mama we are strong women aren't we? Say we strong women mama!" Alexandria said as she went off with grand daughter. 

"You look beautiful. I like the shoes.." he said as he smashed his forehead against hers. 

"Bucky you are still married. Just because you are living at home again doesn't make it okay. Especially since you two are fighting." She said 

"But you look sexy in your boots." He said 

"Thank you. Now I'm gonna go say hi to your family." She said as she walked off. 

He watched her walk away but then felt eyes. Emily was giving him a death look he shook his head at her. After they all ate breakfast James passed out the gifts to everyone. Winnie came up behind Nikki as Saylor opened up her present from her and James. 

Saylor gasped! "Mama! Mama! Look look I got me a pair!" She said as she removed her shoes and put them on. 

"I hope they are the right size." Winnie said as Nikki checked her toes. 

"She's got a little wiggle room but that's okay." She said as she let Saylor down to go run to show Ashlynn they were holding hands and jumping. 

"They are so cute together." Bucky said behind her as he handed her a box. 

"Bucky?" She said 

"It's for you from me." He said 

She untied the green ribbon and unwrapped it. 

"Buck.." she said when she saw the front of the box. 

She took the top off to reveal a baby blue stethoscope. She smiled as she saw it was in her favorite color. 

"Bucky thank you." She whispered as she hugged him. 

"Welcome darlin." He said 

Emily walked over to her after the excitement died down. 

"So what are you two sleeping together now? Just so you know he's still married to me he still belongs to me. And I think it's pretty shitty that you are teaching your daughters that it's okay to steal someone's husband." Emily said 

"Oh really is that what you think. I'm teaching them bad things. I got news for you sweetheart it's not stealing when he's been mine all along. We may have gone our separate ways but he will always be my first love my first kiss the father of my first baby. Even if we don't ever get back together he and I will always be each other's and I will go toe to toe with any girl that tries to break what we have." She said 

"You bitch. You don't scare me why don't you go back to your ex husband and leave mine alone. Just because you two have a son that doesn't even exist anymore doesn't make you special.." Emily said but someone covered her mouth before she could finish. 

"I will highly fucking advise how you speak to my daughter. Because believe me you think your mother in law is getting tired of your shit. I am all out of fucks with your attitude and how you speak to my daughter. Especially with grand daughters around. So why don't you take childish attitude and fucking go. Cause I've had enough of you giving them dirty looks and calling her a bad mother." Alexandria said in her ear then let her go. 

"Get off me.. I'm leaving. Kids!" She yelled 

"Like hell you are leaving with my kids with temper all riled up.." Bucky said as he blocked Carter. 

"Fine whatever I'll explain to my parents why they can't see their grandkids on Christmas." She said as she grabbed her purse and left the Christmas breakfast. 

Bucky picked up Carter. "Shew..I don't need to lose another one." He said as he fixed his hat and walked over to Nikki. 

"You okay?" He said 

"Yeah..I think so. I've never seen my mom like that." She said 

"Come here.." he said as he took her over to a couch. 

He sat her down in between his legs. "You are alright okay..I'm just gonna carefully lay him in your arms." He said remembering how Winnie helped him come over his fear of holding him. 

"There we go.." he said as he felt her shaking. 

"You are okay Nikki." He whispered 

"Yeah..he's a lot bigger now I think I'm okay.." she said 

"Yeah he's four months now." He said as they sat there. 

Bucky looked across the way to see Winnie and Alexandria playing with Zara. Saylor and Ashlynn playing and dancing to the Christmas music. 

"Where is my other daughter?" He said 

Nikki looked across the room. "Bathrooms?" Nikki said as she got up to help him find Sienna. 

"Honey..breathe." Winnie said as they all began to look for Sienna. 

They all went to James and Winnie's house as Bucky kept calling Emily's phone. 

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