(9) Nikki vs Emily

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Five months later 

It was New Years Eve all of their group of friends were back early so they could have a party. They were all at the girls' house. They had dinner which was delicious seafood and steak. The girls had wine with dinner while the boys had started the bourbon and Cokes. After dinner they had turned on some music but also had the tv muted so they knew it was close to the ball dropping. 

Nikki was downing her tequila shots. If she had to be around couples all night by god she was going to be drunk to do it. She was also eating the chocolate covered strawberries as she watched everyone dance around and drink. When it hit five minutes till midnight Nikki grabbed her patron bottle and shot glass as she headed upstairs. 

She heard everyone yell happy new year. She whispered happy new year to herself. Bucky came into her room to see her humming and dancing in her room. 

"Nicole I think you have had enough to drink." He said 

"Don't tell me when I have had enough. You are not my boss.." she said 

"Nicole.." he said as he walked over to her. 

He took the empty bottle from her and sat it on her dresser. 

"The last thing you need is to drop that and step on glass. You need to sleep it off.." he said 

"Go back to your wife." She said 

"I will..once you lay down and go to sleep." He said as he dragged her to her bed. 

They were standing by her bed as she started to pull her romper down.

"What are you doing?" He said

"I'm trying to get comfortable. I can't sleep in this.." she said 

Bucky turned around so she could finish undressing. Nikki pulled on a t shirt. 

"All better..now I feel so much less constricted." She said as she walked over to him. 

She looked at him. "What?" He said 

She grabbed his cheeks and kissed him. His eyes went wide as he pushed her off of him. 

"Nicole I am married. Don't ever do that again." He said

She looked down as she slowly got in her bed. "Nicole I'm sorry yelled.." he said

"Go home don't ever talk to me again. You are good at that.." she said as she wiped tears 

"Nikki please..what we had is over. I have moved on and I am married." He said as she turned her back to him. 

Nikki fell asleep Bucky turned off her light and shut the door. He let the girls know she was asleep then he and Emily left. When they got across the street and into their room. Bucky told Emily about the kiss but he made it very clear that he did not kiss back. The next morning everyone came back over for breakfast. 

Emily found Nikki outside nursing her hangover with a cup of coffee on the back porch. 

"You bitch. He doesn't love you anymore! How could you kiss him?! He is my husband!" Emily yelled

Bucky was inside when he heard her yelling. "Oh god." He whispered 

"He may be yours! But he was mine first! Don't you come up in my house yelling at me! You don't know anything about me!" Nikki yelled 

"I know you are nothing but a cheater and a slut. You should just do us all a favor and go back to Florida where you belong. Taylor was right you are nothing but a cheating whore! He's a great guy and you broke his heart!" Emily yelled 

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