(14) Nat's Wedding

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A year and half later..

It was the day of Nat's wedding to Matt. Nikki stayed at her mom's and meet up with the girls the next morning. It was the first time they had seen her in person since she left. She mainly face timed them. They were all done with college Nikki was in her first year of nursing school while the girls were doing their teacher internships. 

After the girls arrived to let the groomsmen hide Matt. Bucky seen her looking like herself again she wouldn't look at him. She helped get the flower girls ready with their baskets. Emily seen her  as she sat on the groom's side. 

"Great.." she thought to herself. 

Just like Bobbi and Clint's wedding they both promised to be civil since they were paired together. Once they ceremony was done they all headed outside where the reception was set up. Everyone greeted Nikki and was so happy that she was doing better. Winnie and James hugged her with big smiles to see her doing so much better and looking better. 

"You look better." She heard behind her as she poured more wine. 

She turned around to see Bucky. "Thanks.." she said as she was about to go. 

"Nikki..why can't you talk to me? I emailed you and tried to call you. You refuse to talk to me again. I was only trying to help Nikki." He said 

"Buck not here..not today." She said 

"Then when Nikki. You aren't ever here unless you need to be. Okay I'm sorry I fucked up and made you feel less important. But that doesn't mean you hop in bed with someone. You talk to me..so yeah I have moved on and I love my wife and I'm sorry that hurts you." He said 

"And that's great James. But don't expect me to sit by and watch you live out the happily ever after tale of Emily and James. You and I are done and we have so much history that yes it does hurt me to see you with someone else living the life you and I talked about. But what hurts me more than anything is when I tried to get you to let me explain 8 or 9 years ago you basically told me to fuck off. You made me a laughing stock after your stupid show that's why I left..because you don't seem to get that I did one thing wrong. And you did multiple things wrong..and when I've asked you repeatedly to leave me alone you still keep pushing me. If you love her then love her and stop focusing on the past because I can't take it anymore. I left because I had to get my head on straight..I can't be around you and her. So please James just let me be let me live my life the way I want to." She said as she walked off. 

When she walked past Nat she whispered "I'm sorry.." 

Nikki quickly changed and headed back to Florida. Bucky was laying on the couch at his place while Emily put their daughter down. When she laid beside him. 

"What happened today? You have been doing so good and it's like you get around her and the progress we make in marriage counseling is shot to hell." Emily said 

"I'm sorry Em baby. I just you don't have to worry anymore." He said as he finished off his fourth beer and cuddled her as she picked a movie. 

Nikki was on the back porch watching the sunset. When she felt arms come around her. 

"Hey.." she said with a smile. 

"Hey you..How was the wedding?" The person said 

"It was good until.." she said 

He came around to face her. "Until he started his crap. I told you I would have went with you." He said 

"Riley no. That would have caused more drama if he found out who you were." She said 

"And who am I darlin. The boy that made you feel beautiful that last month of summer." He said as he kissed her and walked her backwards into the house. 

They made their way inside to her bedroom and shut the door. Thirty minutes later they were laying under the sheets sweating and out breathe. He kissed her "Mm I've gotta get back to the hospital in two hours baby." He said 

"I know.." she whispered 

"You gotta remember I'm three years older than you. I hadn't turned 19 yet when we met baby." He said 

"I remember.." she whispered 

"But I'll be back in the morning.." he said as he went to take a shower. 

She pulled on some clothes and went to make them some dinner. She reconnected with Riley when he was the one picking up Sloane for his brother 8 months ago. Ever since then they have been seeing each other.  

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