Mr. Competitive

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Erik Stevens x Black PlusSized Reader

The faint sound of a nearby neighbor mowing their lawn could be heard from the slightly opened kitchen window. A low comforting hum that indicated a warm summer day. A soft breeze followed its entrance and danced around the kitchen. Muffled music from the 2000's era spilled from the large portable speaker that occupied the glass patio table outside, mostly R&B and Hip Hop songs. Entertaining the three and a half couples that sat around it. It rested beside the bright metal decorative pail that centered the table, holding an aromatic bouquet of the fresh orange roses Erik had gifted you the evening before.

'Just a small reminder of my love' is what he'd told you when you asked the occasion.

"Lemme get that for you, baby." Erik slipped into the kitchen to help, leaving the guests outside for a moment. "I'll even let you lead the way out to the patio." You sat the glass of homemade lemonade on the tray of glasses with the smile. He caught your hand before you could step too far away from him, smirking as he pulled you closer.

"I wonder why.." You laughed, allowing his soft kisses to your cheek. He had been finding reasons to admire your backside in your sundress all morning. Like asking you to pick up something he'd dropped with fibs of reasons he couldn't do it himself or purposely brushing against it when you passed him.

"Just being a gentleman, baby." He grinned, picking up the tray you'd prepared. You hummed as you turned to walk away. Missing the smooth lick to his lips.

"And the two lovebirds finally join us again." Dalon, the oldest male of the group, joked. Making everyone laugh. His wife and your best friend, Jayla, nudged him playfully with an amused 'Leave the lovebirds be'.

"I'm just happy I can get some of this lemonade. Y'all know it's my favorite." Ramon, the youngest of the men, smiled as he poured two glasses of the spiked beverage. Sliding his girlfriend, Shay, a glass of her own. She thanked him with a kiss and you smiled at the interaction.

Erik pulled out your chair for you and pressed a kiss to your forehead once you were seated. "Just don't drink too many. You know what happened last time.."  Ramon rolled his eyes at that, heading everyone chuckle at the memory. He'd had a bit more to drink than he'd anticipated and the guys had to carry him to the car for Shay.

"Y'all not gonna let that go, huh? It snuck up on me and I didn't know it had alcohol in it." He chuckled, sipping the drink with a grin.

Twenty minutes of catching up and random conversation went by before sports found its way to the topic. The guys reminisced their college days as athletes and came up with the idea to do a mini hoop session. A court rested at the farther side of the backyard, mostly used  by the kids of the family when you and Erik invited family over. He might go out there to workout, but he hadn't played in an actual game in a while.

As they began standing to leave the table, you caught Erik by the hand. He looked to you with a smile and you returned it.

"Is it a good idea to push yourself like that? Yes, you're in shape but you aren't as young as you used to be." You gave him a look and he chuckled. "I don't want to have to hear you whining about being sore all night."

"I'll run circles around them, baby. Don't let the age fool you. I don't feel a day over twenty-five." He smirked, winking at you as he followed the guys to the court. You shook your head and relaxed in your seat.

Your best friend giggled, sitting her glass on the table. "Girl, he sounds just like Dalon's competitive ass. And tonight I'll have to ice him down after he takes a epsom salt bath." All three of you laughed at that.

"I might as well get the ice packs ready now." You chuckled, standing to lead the way into the kitchen. The sound of the ball meeting the pavement and scuffling feet could me heart faintly. Shay volunteered to clean up the patio table and Jayla helped you to prepping ice packs for the guys.

It took all of fifteen minutes before you heard a familiar curse followed by a tired 'timeout y'all'." Rolling your eyes, you grabbed a pack from the island and met the trio of guys at the table. Erik had a leg propped up on a chair that he rested across from.

"My knee a little tired, that's all." He looked to you, knowing you knew what was up.

"Mhmm.." You laughed, handing him the ice pack and a towel. "Next time you'll listen when I tell you take it easy. You might look like you in your early thirties but we both know the truth."

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