Baba's Day

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Soft snores wafted into the air, disappearing before they got too far. Sunlight spilled in through the curtains of the bedroom, falling over the California king bed and the body that occupied it. Quiet giggles were the first thing to catch his ear, as well as the tiny footsteps that accompanied it. Erik pretended to snore lightly as the door of the bedroom opened.

And in came his beams of sunshine.

He felt a light tap on his shoulder, followed by a hushed unison of 'Baba, wake up'. When Erik didn't attempt to make any moves, Jadaka crawled into the bed, sitting on his knees at his father's side. "Baba. Up!." Erik fought a smile as he kept up his act, shifting sleepily as the three year old shook him. But when Jadaka used his hand to lift Erik's eyebrow and open his eye, the charade was over.

Erik let out a laugh, sitting up to pull Daka onto his lap. "Morning, Daka. Morning, Princess." He pressed a kiss to both of their heads, allowing Amari to climb into the bed beside him. Her small hands holding a box that was wrapped perfectly, most likely by you. "What's that baby girl?"

Amari gifted him a smile, her dimples deepened just as his would before she spoke excitedly. "Me and Daka got you a present." He looked between the children and smirked, accepting the box. 

"A present for me?" The thirty five year old feigned confusion as he sat Jadaka to his side. He ripped open the matte colored wrapping paper, taking the adhesive bow that was attached and sticking it on his forehead. "Awww, a bow. I love it." Amari and Jadaka giggled loudly as they looked to their father, both shaking their head as they smiled big.

"No, silly. That's not the present. It's in the box." Amari pointed to the box, giggling as Erik took the bow from his forehead. Faux realization fell over his face as he picked up the box, sticking the bow to Jadaka's forehead instead. To which the toddler giggled harder, touching the sparkly bow.

Erik opened the box, sitting the top aside and reaching a hand in to take out his presents. He smiled at the dark grey patterned tie and its matching handkerchief, along with a nice pair of gold cuff links that he'd definitely be wearing often. "Yooo. This is the best gift ever. Y'all picked this out all by yourselves?" 

They both nodded in response, giving a big smile to show how proud they were. "Daka picked out those.." Amari pointed to the cuff links. "And I picked out the tie. Mama said it was too dark, but I know your style so picked it anyway." She grinned proudly. Erik laughed at that, hearing you in her last sentence. He'd told you she got her sass from you.

"Well you were right, princess. Cause I love it. I love both of them. Thank y'all so much.." He hugged both of them, pressing kisses to their cheeks and making them laugh. Both replying with 'you're welcome, baba'. Two knocks to the door made all three of them look to it, seeing you leaned against the frame with a smile. 

"As cute as y'all are, I would hate for the breakfast we made for baba to get cold." You walked in, unfolding your arms and placing your hands on your sides out of habits. "Mari, why don't you take your brother to the bathroom so you both can wash your hands. Then you both can come back and take Baba to the kitchen." 

Both children obeyed, climbing off the bed. Amari helped Jadaka down before she looked back to Erik. "We'll be back, baba. Okay?" She took her brother's hand, leading him out of the room. You chuckled, watching as Erik nodded. When they left the room, he looked to you with a smirk. 

"I don't get any presents from you this morning?" He licked his lips, raising an eyebrow as he stood from the bed. You grinned as he walked to you, catching your hand and giving it's backside a gentle kiss. He inched his kisses up your arm, past you wrists and forearm before he placed a kiss to your cheek. Only getting a peck to your lips before you turned your head with a chuckle. "Nahh, now. It's like that, thickems?"

You nodded, putting a hand to his chest as he tried to make a move again. "Yes, sir. It is. The kids will be back any second and you haven't even brushed your teeth. I'll reward you with a kiss once that's done." He pouted at the demand, heading to the master bathroom as he mumbled to himself. "What was that, Stevens?" You smirked, laughing when he mumbled a soft 'nothing, baby'.

It took ten minutes for the family of four to make it downstairs, Amari and Jadaka leading Erik to the dining room to see the spread of food they'd picked out for his breakfast feast. After making sure you rewarded him with a kiss, or six, for him doing as you said, though he would have done it regardless. Blueberry waffles, bacon, sausage, fruit, eggs, and apple juice covered the table along with the plates that would be needed. A sign on the wall held Baba's Day in large letters with pictures drawn by the kids surrounding it. Amari sat Erik at his usual seat before she climbed into the seat to the left of him while you helped Daka climb into the seat at his right. 

As you pushed Daka's chair up, you glanced at Erik and Amari. He'd leaned over to Amari and was whispering in her ear. She nodded with a smile, looking to you which let you know you were the topic. Erik seen you and chuckled, holding up a hand to hide his moving lips. You laughed, making a plate for Daka and cutting up his waffle so he could eat them easier. Once you got him settled, you came around the table to fix Amari's plate. Stopped when Erik caught you by your waist

He pressed a kiss to your arm, looking up at you as you smiled. "E, quit. Lemme fix Amari's plate first.." You giggled as he pulled you onto his lap, chuckling as you squirmed from the kisses he pressed to your shoulder. He slyly rubbed your booty, looking over to Amari.

"I already made baby girl's plate, and she thinks you should feed me because today is my day. Ain't that right, princess?"

Amari nodded as she ate a banana slice, swallowing before she spoke. "Right. Baba wants me and Daka to eat so we can have enough energy to spend the day with him. He said that you would feed him and he could share his plate with you." You raised an eyebrow, looking to a beaming Erik. 

He put those dimples on display to persuade you, giving an innocent look. "I think it's a good idea. Don't you?"

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