Mr. Telephone Man

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Part Two

SupernaturalAU!Erik Stevens x Black PlusSized Reader

The warmth that once filled the home had gone cold. Darkness gave way for the shadows to dance and despite the television playing softly in the background you could hear a pin drop. Goosebumps ran along your skin as you sat up in the large bed, trailing along your limbs. Your hands trembled as you fisted the covers, trying to still the fear that had forced its way in.

The phone beside you gave off it's faint light, showing the photo of you just moments before. Unknowing of the intruder that had been watching you from the shadows of the hallway. He still stood at his place in the doorway, half disguised from the dark that surrounded him. You could make out everything clearly from the mouth down though the glow of his golden, predator like eyes were holding you captive.

"What's wrong, baby girl?" He took a step into the average sized master bedroom, ignoring your tensed body. "You look like you've seen a ghost.." Booming. That word described the sound of his laughter. He'd amused himself with his little joke, sighing happily after a moment. "Because I'm a ghost. Get it?"

He looked to you, not really expecting an answer. And you didn't give him one. The question had managed to push past your lips, shaky and stuttered. "How'd you get in here?" That made him look up at you, tilting his head.  His right brow rose as he sat down the photo frame he'd picked up from your dresser.

"I'm a ghost, princess. I just made a joke about it and everything." He turned to you, speaking as though it was a normal situation. Taking a step towards you before he stopped. "Well, I've been called a demonic monster before.. but either way, I go where I please.." He disappeared in an instant, almost as if he'd never been there. The room went quiet but that eerie feeling still danced in the air.

Suddenly, right at the foot at your bed. "..when I please." Smiling wickedly, there he was with his sights on you. You scrambled to press yourself into the soft headboard of the bed. That explains how he'd gotten in without a problem. "Getting in here and closer to you wasn't a problem. But pulling off the payphone and getting those text messages to you? That was the tricky part.. But seeing that pretty face of yours when you seen that photo was so worth it."

He closed his eyes, inhaling deeply as if something sweet tainted the air. And for him it was. Your fear was like a pheromone to his senses, drawing him closer. He'd licked his lips  before opening his eyes. Those golden pools of evil were back on you as he bit his lip. "You." The word was the only thing he'd said for a moment, allowing your anxiety to build.

You could hear your heartbeat in your chest, damn near fighting it's way out. Thump...Thump...Thump. "M-Me?" The stutter amused him, making him chuckle. He'd nodded without a word, beginning his slow steps around the bed. ThumpThumpThump.

"So fresh.. So pure." His words had returned as he took his time to reach the side of the bed. Enjoying each moment that your sweet fear increased. "I love a girl who takes care of herself.." He finally stood right before you, arms length away. Your body felt as though it's been weighed down, strapped to the bed.

His hand lifted from his side, reaching to brush an escaped braid from your shoulder. You swallowed, shivering from his finger brushing against your skin. "And you, baby girl.. are a woman who takes care of herself. So beautiful.." He growled the last part, softly.

You'd closed your eyes tight, squeezing them as if it's erase the demon before you. "Please.." The plea was as weak as it sounded. Suspense was killing you, pushing your anxiety to his breaking point. "Please."

He hummed, bringing his face closer to yours. You refused to open your eyes, opting to listen to his breathing. Taking in the sounds around you. "Please what, pretty girl? Hmm?" He awaited an answer this time though you once again didn't give one. "Let me see those pretty brown eyes... Yeah?"

Your lips trembled as you whimpered. Afraid to not obey his orders, no matter how nice he'd tried to sound. Forcing open your eyes, you looked upon his face. He seemed content with this time between you both, flashing his dimples and sharp canines.

"There go those pretty ass eyes.." He smirked, pulling away from you to stand up straight. Your stomach felt uneasy, feeling as though thing were about to take a turn for the worse. "..because I wanna you something cool before it's over. Don't blink. It's happens quick. Promise?"

Those thick lips of his spread into the creepy ass smile from before as he leaned forward just a bit. And he just stayed there for a moment. Tears flowed down your cheeks freely, being the only thing able to move in your frozen state. You didn't dare blink. Just as he'd told you not to.

Even when his smile faded. Even when his breathing calmed to silence. Even though your chest began to tighten. Even when you watched his face shift in horror, becoming the most terrifying sight you'd laid eyes on. Even when his mouth began its wide stretch to accommodate the bite he'd take from you.

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