I Owe You That

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Erik Stevens x Black PlusSized Reader

Silence was dominant at the moment, aside from the soft sound of air spilling from the ceiling vent. The television had been on mute for the past half hour, remote sitting on the nightstand beside a silenced cellphone.

Erik rested peacefully in the massive bed, looking at the ceiling. Lost in his thoughts. His left arm hugged you close, resting lightly over your sleeping body. He could faintly smell the conditioner you used through your bright bonnet, inhaling the scent a bit more. Your light, airy snores being a calm rhythm that eased him.

This used to be a normal thing between both you and him, during the earlier stages of being together. Cuddling sessions with binge-watching marathons. But as the years passed, these times became lesser. He'd become a bit busier as the outreach center began to branch to different cities. Bringing along more meetings and business trips with T'Challa.

He hadn't been able to hold you close as much, other than the nights he'd be home. Only to be gone for work before you'd woken up good, pressing a kiss to both you and Amari's forehead.

Amari. His precious angel.

He rubbed her back as she rested on his chest. Her snores as silent as yours. The two year old was the apple of both you and Erik's eye, growing quicker than he'd expected. He wasn't there as much as he was when she was a newborn, and he hated it. You did too, and you'd told him so several times.

It evoked a few heated arguments, nothing to drastic but it gotten him the silent treatment a few times. He'd always apologize with an early morning breakfast or a late night dinner for two. And you always forgave him because you knew he wasn't separating himself intentionally. Erik had always been a focused worker and it seemed to be a bit of a problem. He just needed to find a balance between the two.

Slipping from beneath your hold, he took his time to get out of the bed without waking his sleeping princess. She instinctively hugged his neck, snuggling into him. He navigated his way to her bedroom, tucking her into her sheets in less than two minutes. Unlike both of you, Amari was a bit of a heavy sleeper.

Amari snuggled against her sheets, sighing as she fell back into slumber. Erik rubbing her back to assure that she did. Once he was sure that she was fast asleep, he pressed a kiss to her forehead and eased out of the room. Shutting the bedroom door closed with a soft click.

The kitchen light spilled into the hallway, catching his attention. He made his way to it, rubbing a hand over his braided dreads. Rolling the stiffness in his shoulders away. You stood at the island in your robe, sipping on a bottle of water and adjusting your bonnet with your free hand.

"I ain't mean to wake you up.." He walked onto the cold tile floor, pushing both hands in the pockets of his pajama pants.

"Its fine. You know I'm a light sleeper anyway.." You shrugged, twisting the cap back onto the plastic bottle. He nodded, stepping to the counter to rest his arms atop it. Looking over at him, you seen that he was focused on a spot on the marble counter. Zoned out. "You ok?" Your bare feet padded around the large island until you came to his side.

He glanced to you, pulling out the stool in front of him to sit. "Not really. I've been thinking a lot about you and 'Mari. With me not being here as much as I used to.." Sighing, he met your gaze as he took your hand in his. "I know I haven't been the best husband when it's came to spending time with you and baby girl. I've been working myself a lot lately, and I can't stop thinking about what you said the other day.."

You shook your head, using your free hand to caress his cheek. "Look at me, E.." He picked up his gaze at your command. "You're an amazing husband, and an even better father. You've came a long way and I've been with you long enough to see that. And I'm proud of you for giving your best. That's all I ask for, is for you to give us your best. No one's perfect and I don't expect you to be.."

He laid his head against your chest, allowing you to wrap your arms around his neck. Nodding his understanding when you mumbled 'ok?'. His large arms hugged your waist, as he'd done many times when he looked for comfort. "Both of you mean the world to me and you deserve more of my time. And I'm not just saying that because you told me that, but I've noticed it myself.." He pressed two kisses to your stomach, hugging you a little tighter. "I owe both you and 'Mari that much."

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