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Erik Stevens x Black PlusSized Reader

Three pairs of feet padded down the long hallway, all in rhythm sigh each other. Their soft sounds echoed off the hardware floor and hushed when they met the softness of the carpet. The light in the living room was a dim glow from the television and the lamp. Giving the room a warm glow.

It was movie night. Something Erik cherished because he spent time with you. Cuddled against your thighs with his face cushioned by your belly. He was a big baby when it came to you so cuddling was always the move for him. Unless you wanted to lay on him, arms around him as you both watched the screen.

But this time, that wouldn't be the case.

Four days prior, you'd persuaded Erik to adopt a panther cub. And because it was you, he didn't need much convincing. But now as he sat on the loveseat and watching you cuddle with said cub. He regretted agreeing to the whole thing. To make matters worse, you'd named it after the human panther himself.

T'Challa Jr aka Tj.

And of course they all loved that when he'd told them about it. T'Challa, Okoye, Queen Mother, and Shuri finding amusement on his pain. Since Tj had been around, Erik had been pushed to the side. To be honest, Erik didn't realize how much he needed to be under you.

That brought him to the present. Pouting like a child because he couldn't have his way. Tj rested on the couch, looking around as Erik stared at him.

"You think you cute, huh?" Erik frowned, mumbling more to himself than to the cub. "Coming in here and trying to replace me. Snuggling with my girlfriend and taking her attention off me. You fooling her, but you ain't fooling me, kitty." Erik leaned forward, scoffing as he rested his elbows on his thighs. Tj stared back at him with a tilted head, blinking adorably.

"Don't look at me all innocent. You trying to take my place, but imma let you know right now.." Erik tapped the coffee table with his fingers got emphasis. "I'm staying right here, and it ain't nothing you can do. Cause when your little kitten phase is over and she ain't cuddling you like that no more. Imma be back where I should be.." The cub purrs at him, sitting up to match Erik's posture.

"Erik, what are you saying to my baby?" You returned with a plate in hand, sitting on the couch next to Tj. Erik pouted, crossing his arms as the cub rested it head on your thighs. He was supposed to be there, laying his head on the softness of your thighs. It was an unwritten law, to him at least.

"I ain't said nothing to him.." Erik mumbled, mugging. "Why he get to be in your lap?" You looked over at Erik, seeing him pouting. His bottom lip was poked out a little and you found it cute.

"You're always in my lap. You'll be alright." You chuckled, feeling Tj cuddle deeper into your thighs. When you cooed, Erik huffed at the scene. Mumbling that he was sick of being ignored. "You can come over here too, babe. You can share me." Erik head whipped up you, and a stank expression took over his features.

Him? Share you? His princess? With someone else? No. Hell no.

Erik crossed his arms tighter. "I don't wanna share you. It ain't the same. I want you all to myself." Glaring at the cub, Erik wish you'd just give in. "I was here before him." You laughed at loud at that, but Erik was being serious. He didn't wanna share you.

"Daddy's being a meanie, huh?" You pulled your legs beneath you, allowing the loving panther rest it's head in your lap. "He's just jealous." He purrs in agreement, nuzzling his head against your stomach as you pet him. Turning to look at Erik with what could be mistaken as a smug grin, as if he was rubbing it in.

Erik squinted his eyes at him, before looking away and rolling them. Tj was just as annoying as the actual T'Challa. "Jealous my ass.."

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