Nose Wide Open

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CountryBoy!Erik Stevens x Black PlusSized Reader

Sun spilled over the front yard, reflecting off the tiny speckled dew that frosted the grass. Trimmed bushes lined the front of the house with beautiful roses here and there. The wind chime that hung from beside the green vines swayed gently in the morning breeze. You rested lazily in the white cushioned chair that occupied the porch, reading a novel you bought a week before. Some love story that you were deeply into.

Beside you, a small circular table sat to match the chair you were in. It held your glass of lemonade that sat atop a floral coaster, next to a small vase of fresh looking flowers. A small tag hanging from it with a cute note from Erik.

The rumbling of a familiar pick up truck caught your attention before it's golden paint caught your eye. It eased into the shade of your driveway, right behind your car. Excitement sparked within you and you had to stop yourself from jumping up to greet him.

Once the engine went silent, that bun of dreads popped out. Erik shut the door behind him, smiling as he rounded the truck. His jeans were tucked into his dusty Georgia boots, but his white tee wasn't tucked in today. Though you were sure his belt with his last name stamped into the leather hugged his waist.

"Mornin, princess! You're up early." His accent as thick as honey.
You grinned with a playful eye roll, closing your book and resting it on your lap. Sitting up straight, you watched as he approached the stairs. That gold chain peeking from beneath his shirt. "I could say the same for you, Stevens. You missed me, huh?"

Erik chuckled, slowing as he got to the steps. Taking his time, he took in your appearance as he ascended them. A sundress comforted your body, afro freed and skin glowing. "Every second we're apart, baby girl.." He put a hand over his heart, giving you that charming smile of his. "..and I came to see what your pretty self had planned for today." He stepped onto the porch, both hands in his pockets as he looked over at you. You felt your cheeks heat up and your lips give in to a smile.

You sat your book on the table, shrugging lightly as you looked up at him. "Nothing really. I was just gonna take a lazy day since I'm off.." Standing, your bare feet pressed against the dark stained wood. "What did you have in mind, Mr. Stevens?" You walked to stand beside his relaxed figure against the porch railing, looking at him over your shoulder. His eyes followed you until you stood at his side.

He smirked, standing from his relaxed posture to stand by you. His right hand rested over your left atop the railing, his thumb massaging over your soft skin. "Nothing really. I was just gonna do some work for my aunt, tend to the horses and stuff. I was hoping you'd tag along?"

You smirked, nodding slowly before you chuckled. He knew you'd never turn down a chance to visit his aunt. "Give me two minutes.." He nodded, holding up his imaginary watch and tapping his wrist.

Just as promised, you'd returned two minutes later with shoes. As well as your over the shoulder. He'd led you to the truck, opening the passenger door with a smile. You took his awaiting hand, allowing him to help you up into the high truck. Which you believed he really enjoyed doing. When you thanked him after getting seated, he replied with 'my pleasure, sweetness'.

Not long after, he'd climbed into the car and pulled out the driveway. With the grace of a falling feather, smooth and gentle. You smiled softly at the fuzziness you felt riding with him. His hand would soon find your hand, giving it a small squeeze so you would look at him. Like he just did. Then he'd flash you a smile that'd make your heart flutter. Like the one on his face now.

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