Bath Time

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Erik 'Dadmonger' Stevens x Black PlusSized Reader

Barking and laughter sounded from the fenced backyard. The trio of young troublemakers ran around on the lawn, playing a little game of tag. The waterhose was on full blast, droplets misting as it showered the plastic tub. Erik turned off the hose, tossing it aside one he'd filled the large kiddie pool up. Since neither you or him wanted to wash the dog in the same tub the kids use. The dog shampoo sat on the ground by his feet, awaiting to be used.

You sat on the patio, beneath the shade of the tables umbrella. Removing Jadaka's shirt before letting him run off to help his father. The sundress you wore matched your shades, as well as the straw in your water bottle. Erik had asked you if you'd wanted to help bathe Marshmallow which you immediately denied. Especially since you'd just gotten your braids.

"Mellow!" Amari called to the pup as she walked to her father, smiling as Marshmallow behind her. "Its bath time!!" The fluffy animal sat in front of her when she'd stopped at the pool, allowing the small child to rub him behind his ears.

Erik crouched down, motioning for Marshmallow to get in the pool. Which the pup obeyed excitedly. Marshmallow was different from any puppy you'd ever seen. He loved getting clean, wagging that tail of his as the trio shampooed his fur.

As Erik worked to wet Marshmallow's fur, the sneaky father of two whispered to Amari. Making the five year old look to you with a smile before nodding. You squinted your eyes as she approached, though your shades hid the expression. "What are you up to, Stevens.." Sipping your drink, you sat up to greet your daughter.

The afro puff atop her head bounced as she ran up to you. "Mommy, can you help me and Daka wash Marshmallow?" You chuckled, knowing this was her father's doing. She caught your hand, bouncing excitedly. "Please, mommy. Please!!"

You smiled, sitting your drink aside and rising from the cushioned chair. "Of course, baby." Adjusting your undress with your free hand, you allowed Amari to lead you back to the bathing pool for Marshmallow. Erik looked up at you, smiling as he squinted from the sun's glare.

You grinned, rolling your eyes playfully as you sat on your knees beside him. "Baba says we have to laver him with soap, like this.." Amari showed you how to wash Marshmallow, with Jadaka's help. Making you and Erik chuckle at her mispronounced try at 'lather'.

You grabbed a sponge, helping the children. Not really paying attention to Erik as he filled a bucket with water. "Make sure you get behind his ears, 'Daka." Amari reminded, sounding much like you during their bath time. You smiled at the sound of Erik saying that same thought out loud.

When you all finished soaping him up, Daka hopped to his feet. Arms in the air as he yelled happily. "Wince time, baba!!" Erik coped his announcement, singing a very off key 'Rinse timee!'. Amari and Jadaka giggled as Erik picked up the bucket of water, pouring it over Marshmallow. To which the puppy replied with a few immediate shakes.

"Mellow!!" Both you and Amari yelled out in unison, while Erik and Jadaka seemed tickled as the puppy shook the water from his fur. Their shoulders bouncing in sync. You couldn't help your giggle as you watched the duo, especially with Amari's infectious giggle.

Erik held the hose again, beaming a sneaky smile. You'd seen that face many times. "Erik, don't." You rose to your feet, trying to dim your smile to look serious. Those thick eyebrows of his rose in faux confusion as he asked 'don't do what?'.

He held the hose towards you, chuckling as Amari and Jadaka yelled  'Run mommy, he's gonna get us!!!' in unison. Erik got into character, smirking as he took slow step towards you. He'd barely missed you when you took off, running along with your babies to escape his spurts of cold water.

Marshmallow wasn't the only one who his bathtime.

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