Toss 'Em

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Erik Stevens x Black PlusSized Reader

Sounds of clicking keyboards, low conversations, and soft music filled the office. Warm baked goods wafting their sweet aroma from the break room into the workspace. Your assistant met you with a smile and a quick run down of the day. Her list short as she stopped at your office door, leaving you with a smirk and a hint of a secret admirer leaving you a present.

You slipped into the office, hanging your coat on the rack at your door. Heels sounding through the room as you spotted the small arrangement of flowers on your desk. Fluffing the coils of your twistout, you smiled at the gift.

As you sat down, you brought the flowers to your nose. Inhaling softly at their gentle aroma. You sighed happily, flipping over the little card attached to see the name of your admirer. Darren. The handsome mailroom guy who had a bit of a crush on you, though you'd made it known that you had a boyfriend. Not directly, but he'd witnessed Erik coming to visit you a few times.

Erik hated the guy, which you found funny because he'd thought Darren was a cool guy until he'd found out about the crush. You chuckled to yourself, knowing that Erik was just being his possessive self. He had no reason to be jealous, but Erik claimed he didn't want ol' dude to think he had a chance.

You snapped a picture of the gift, sending it to Erik. Since he'd wanted to see what gift you were talking about. It took a moment for him to text back so you began your work as you waited. And when he'd texted you back ten minutes later, all he'd said was 'bet' before he started back casually texting you.


The hour you'd taken for lunch had flown by. And you didn't even have to pay for it out of pocket since Erik slipped six hundreds into your purse while you were still asleep this morning. That allowed you to stop by a boutique or two for a few more pieces to your wardrobe before you headed back to work.

Your assistant had came along, sticking by your side the whole hour. Easily since she was your best friend. Once you both had made it back into the building, two delivery men passed you as you got off the elevators. Neither of you really paid attention to them, focused on the conversation at hand.

"Girl, I'm telling yo-..Whoa.." You mumbled as you set sights on your office. Looking at all the white roses that covered the room, bouquets on bouquets alongside bags of Chanel, Fendi, and a jewelry store gift bag on your desk. Your assistant followed you in, gasping at the floor covered on gifts.

"Whoa." She raised her eyebrows as she repeated your words, impressed with the set up. Closing the door to close out nosy employees. "Who sent these, boo?" You navigated through the gifts and reached your desk before you noticed a card. It's glittery surface made you grin as you picked it up. You knew exactly who.

"Erik.." You smiled as you picked up the card, rubbing your thumb over the pretty design. Taking a seat in your chair, you opened the card to read what he'd written. He had some pretty ass handwriting.

Your assistant hurried to the desk, smiling as she motioned to the card. "Read it for me, girl. What does it say?" She sat at one of the chairs before your desk, sitting her purse in the one she didn't choose. You couldn't dim your smile as you read it out loud.

'To my heart,
My princess,
My thickems,
and the girl who loved me even when I thought it was me against the world. I love you, thickems'

"Awwwwww. He's so sweettt." She swooned, holding her hand to her chest as she pouted. "Where'd you find this man, sis? Does he have a cousin? Did you have him handmade and shipped to you through UPS? Cause I need to put in my order today." You laughed at her foolishness, telling her that he's sweet when he wants to be. Which was true because there were times when you'd want to ring that thick neck of his.

"Maybe I should call to thank him.." You picked up your cell phone, going to find his contact. Your assistant rose from her seat, taking that as a cue for her to go finish up some work. She left after she'd made it back to the door through the maze of gifts, telling you she'd be back when she'd finished. You nodded as she closed the door, facetiming Erik and propping the phone up.

He answered on the second ring.

"Wassup, princess. Witcho' fine ass, smiling all big and shit." He appeared on the screen, sporting a goofy smile and a red turtleneck sweater. That gold chain of his glinting in the sun as he noticed the white roses on a shelf behind you. "And I see you got your gift. You like?" His eyes focused between you and the road as he drove. But he still gave you a little eyebrow dance.

"I did, and I love it." You beamed, toying with the velvet of the jewelry box. "How'd you manage to get this done so fast, babe? I wasn't expecting anything else after you cooked me that breakfast this morning and I found that money in my purse.."

He shrugged as he approached a stoplight, giving you his full attention when he'd stopped the car. "You deserve it. I know I spoil you all the time, but I can't help it." He licked his lips, chuckling to himself. "You might have a nigga wrapped around your finger.."

"I might?" You smirked, fastening on the diamond bracelet he'd gifted. He gave a playful eye roll before he admitted that you did. As if you didn't already know. "Well, I just wanted to thank you for my gifts, baby. I gotta finish up these orders and get ready for this meeting."

"Aight, baby girl. Gimmie kiss." He puckered his lips, bringing them closer to the screen. You laughed before you gave him his kisses. Watching him smile proudly as you both exchanged 'i love you'. "One more thing, princess."

You raised your eyebrows, humming to let him know you were listening. He stared seriously at the screen a moment before he spoke. "Toss them wack ass flowers and tell that nigga keep his eyes to himself."

You chuckled, "Yes sir". He raised an eyebrow as if he was waiting. Saying a 'lemme see you toss em'. You let a smile break through, rolling your eyes as you did as he asked. "Happy?" He beamed that handsome smile as he nodded, showing those pretty teeth of his. Telling you that he'd see your pretty ass at home before he let you hang up.

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