Ballet Baba

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Erik 'Dadmonger' Stevens

A soft instrumental coursed through the lively auditorium. Some ballad from the Beethoven era. Stacked conversations mixed with the music, voices of the families that had came to support their babies. They all filled the rows of cushioned seats, awaiting the curtains to open.

Amari's first dance recital.

Erik had sat through weeks of the after school rehearsals, watching as baby girl learned the eight minute routine. The same routine that he'd memorized from watching her practices. He was excited for you to see it. You'd listened to him talk about it for the past few nights, telling you that you'd be amazed at how graceful Amari moves.

And then proceeded to say that she gets that from him. Like it didn't have anything to do with you being a ballet dancer up until college.

His loafer styled shoes padded against the tiled floor as he made his way backstage. Amari sitting on his side, arms around his thick neck as she rested her head against his white button up shirt he wore. He'd tried to match her all white outfit, but he'd decided to put on black dress pants and shoes instead.

Her little ballet shoes were fitted to her feet and it's white ribbon was tied comfortably over her little flesh-colored stockings. She wore a cute white onsie over that and thankfully you hadn't gotten gel on it. You'd had a hell of a time slicking all her thick hair into a low puff before tying a thin white bow around it to match her clothes. The white tutu she wore wrapped around her and she look like a life sized doll.

"You ready to dance for mama, princess?" Erik put her down, squatting to smooth out her clothes. Amari reached out to massage his beard. A habit she picked up because she always seen you doing it. Her big brown eyes were glossy as she looked at him, shaking her head.

"I'm scared, baba.." The four year old pouted, looking down at her hands. She wasn't one for being the center of attention though she'd be dancing with all the other girls in her class. Erik sighed, wrapping his arms around her as he gave her a hug.

"Me, mommy, and Shuri are gonna be on the front row watching. Ok?" He rubbed her back as she hid her face. "Pretend you're practicing with me. Just like at home.." She lifted her head, poking out her bottom lip. Her little finger went to her mouth to show her nervousness. Erik stood, holding the hand she'd slipped into his. "You gonna be a big girl for baba and mama?"

When he tried to release her hand, she whined. Holding his hand tighter. She didn't look up at him, but he'd seen her shake her head 'no' as she looked out at the other girls stretching. The teacher appeared in her matching attire, calling the little girls to get into line. Erik looked back to Amari who was already looking to him with pleading eyes. He never was good at telling either of you no.

"Where's Erik?" Shuri leaned over to you, whispering as the host for the recital was on stage. You looked over to the stairs that lead backstage, wondering the same thing. He was supposed to be back by now.

Unlocking your phone, you shrugged as the curtains began to open. "Ion know. He's been bragging about watching my face while Amari dances, but he's not here.." You pulled up his number, ready to press call when you heard Shuri. She was looking at the stage, mumbling that she'd found him. "You found him? Wh-"

You both raised your eyebrows as your eyes laid on Erik. He stood by Amari, holding her hand as the lights in the audience dimmed. The sight of his large stature in line with those babies made you smile. Shuri held up her phone, catching the moment for T'Challa. Him and Queen Mother would love this as much as her.

The teacher started to dance and the little girls followed. As well as Erik. Amari still held Erik's as they both raised their free hand above their head. You giggled as Erik mirrored the little girls. Listening to a few aww's and that's so cute's. Holding your phone up, you recorded your baby and her baba for Snapchat. Captioning it Ballet Baba and saving it to your phone.

Amari had finally released his hand when she got comfortable. Doing her little spin on her toes, smiling her dimpled smile as her father somewhat copied her. Him not being able to get on his tip toes. The last part of the routine included the girls getting into pairs and dancing. But with Erik, there was an odd number. So to even it out, he took Amari and her little friend's hand and held it above them as they spun. They're giggling making the crowd giggle as well.

The song came to an end, and the class did their final pose. Applause and whistles filled the auditorium as the lights brightened in the audience again. The girls all lined up to do their bow, and Erik followed suit. Before giving the girls applause, himself. He looked to you as you smiled, sending a wink when you'd blown him a kiss.

Ballet Baba would definitely be getting a reward tonight when Amari was finally fast asleep in her bed.

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