Autumn Leaves & Cookie Thieves

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Erik 'Dadmonger' Stevens x Black PlusSized Reader

Temperatures had began to dip, and the sun set sooner than it had weeks before. Fall was here. The leaves had began their color change, leaving very few with their green color. It was time for pumpkin spice and everything nice.

The sounds of the electric mixer gave a low whirring as it whipped up some cookie dough. Amari stood next to you as she watched everything you did, mentally taking notes. The sweet aroma of sugar cookies and cinnamon filled the air as you took out some cookie cutters.

"Mama, mama! Can I do them this time?" The seven year old eagerly grinned, leaning toward you as you stood in front of the big bowl of dough. Her bows clacked and bounced as she happily watched you agree. Handing her the leaf shaped cookie cutter, you guided her through her first few before letting her do the rest on her own. Once she finished, she looked to you for your approval.

"Oooo. These are perfect. You're such a good helper." You complimented and she smiled. Saying a proud 'thanks, mommy'. "You're welcome, baby.. How about we check on these other cookies? Maybe we can frost them."

Slipping the raw cookies into the oven, you turned to her as you smiled. She nodded, getting off her stepping stool and heading over to the table. Waiting for you, she watched as you took the cookies from the cooling rack to plate them. Coolness confirmed.

Breaking one in half, you handed her a piece. She happily accepted it, biting into the soft dessert with a hum. "These are gooddd." You chuckled, tasting the treat for yourself. They were good. That recipe from tik tok actually worked and you were impressed.

Heading to the cabinets, you opened them in search of the frosting you'd bought. Because you didn't feel like going through making your own. "Oh snap." You face palmed, remembering you'd forgotten to buy some. The grocery store didn't have the flavor you'd wanted and you'd forgotten to stop at another to get it. "Looks like we have to make a quick trip, 'Mari. I forgot the frosting."

She looked to you, finishing her cookie. "Okay, mommy. I'll go get my shoes." You nodded and she was on her way. Hearing her bows once she disappeared around the corner.

"Erikkk." You sang, making your way into the living room. Seeing both him and Jadaka relaxing on the couch as they watched a movie. They both laid the same way, hand on stomach and feet crossed.

"Wassup mama?" He smacked your thigh, biting on his both lip. You rolled your eyes, smiling as you stood beside him. His eyes looked to you, giving you his attention.

"I'm going to the store for some frosting, and I have some cookies in the oven. And I need for you to NOT eat the cookies." You looked at the two with a hand on your hip. "They are off limits. Which means no taste testing, you heard?"

Erik chuckled, sitting up to pull you closer. He looked up at you, palming your thighs. Controlling himself enough to not give your ass a two handed smack because of Jadaka. His hands massaged your thighs as he repeated what you said. "I heard you, ma. Loud and clear."

"You betta have, sir.." You pecked his lips and he hummed before he let your thighs go. "'Mari you ready, baby?"

"Yes ma'am." Her footsteps accompanied her voice and you seen her come down the stairs. She met you at the door, opening it and stepping into the cool air.

The walk to the car was brisk, and you both buckled up. Amari sang along to the song on the radio as you left the driveway. You'd found yourself humming along as well, singing the Beyoncé lyrics as if you'd written them.

Suddenly, you thought to glance in the back seat. Why have you been so forgetful lately? Your purse was still at home, on the table in the kitchen. Turning in an empty parking lot, you made the short trip back to your house. Thankful you weren't too far out before you remembered.

"Come on, baby. I gotta run in and get my purse. Might as well use the bathroom too." Turning off the car, you both headed inside. The television was still on, and you'd figured the boys were still watching their movie. Making your way to the kitchen, you slowed as you heard your husband.

"Your mama know she can bake her butt off." Erik hummed, mumbling the compliment with a full mouth. Jadaka hummed in agreement, not wanting to stop his chewing. You peeked around the corner, catching sight of the two cookie thieves.

Amari popped up behind you, peeking around you to see what you were looking at. "Heyyy, those cookies are for after dinner." The duo of taste testers paused, looking at each other before putting the evidence behind their backs.

Erik chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand. "Heyy, my two favorite girls. I thought y'all were gone." Jadaka didn't make eye contact, oblivious to the few crumbs on his shirt. Both you and Amari crossed your arms.

"We were, but I forgot my wallet. But I see you forgot something too.." You raised an eyebrow, referring to when you told the sneaky two that the cookies were off limits. They still held their half eaten cookies behind their backs. You motioned to them, fighting a chuckle. "Lemme see em'."

Defeated, they both revealed their hands. Jadaka's held a half eaten cookie and Erik's held two. Just as you'd suspected. Amari gasped as if she didn't know they'd still held the evidence. You chuckled at that, seeing Erik's lip from the smile he was fighting.

"They just smelt sooo good." Jadaka pouted, looking up at you. His big brown orbs did their magic, gifting you his sweetest puppy eyes. "We're really sorry, mommy and 'Mari. Right, baba?" He looked up at his father who nodded along.

Erik pokes out his bottom lip for dramatics, making it tremble. Mumbling a 'really sorry'. You looked at the two with playful thought before looking to Amari. "What do you think, baby girl? Should we forgive them?"

She put a finger to her chin, tapping it as she hummed in thought. "Hmmm.." Dramatic like her father. "We might, if Baba agrees to get us some ice cream to go with out cookies and read me two bedtime stories tonight." She held up two fingers to show she meant business. You grinned, looking to Erik.

"And I get one of your foot rubs and bubble baths after you put the kids to bed." He smiled at your demand, nodding and verbally agreeing to both you and Amari. Looking to Jadaka, he awaited his turn. Squatting down, you motioned him to you.

"Yes ma'am?" He approached, looking to you. You smiled, poking his tummy playfully.

"You, mister..owe me a bunch of hugs and kisses." You pulled him to you, hugging him and pecking his cheeks with silly kisses. He laughed, giving you a full smile as he hugged you back. Amari joined and you smiled at their joined laughter. Her giggling a 'you're silly mommy'.

"I want hugs and kisses too.." You heard Erik pout. When you looked at him, his lips were poked out and his arms were folded. Amari and Jadaka ran over to him, jumping into his arms and kissing his cheek. Replying a 'there you go, baba'. He beamed a smile, thanking them for the affection. "None from mommy?"

You playfully rolled your eyes, smiling as you made your way to him. Such a big baby.

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