Take Your Time

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Part Two

Erik Stevens x Black PlusSized Reader

A foreign sports car rested in the driveway before the two story home. Making the car that pulled up next to it look very out of date. Gentle breezes danced through the air as footsteps moved closer to the home. The soft rhythm of nails tapping in a smooth pattern drained nervousness. Quick and sharp. You stood at the door, double checking the address before knocking.

Stepping back, you checked your reflection on the screen of the darkened phone. Running your tongue across your teeth just as the door opened. Erik came into view, grinning as you gave a nervous chuckle. He smirked, slyly trailing his gaze along your body. Holding out his arms, he welcomed you with a warm hug that sent a fuzzy feeling through you. "Princess. You didn't have any trouble getting here did you?"

Shaking your head, you gifted him a small smile as you both released from the hug. "I didn't, thankfully. And with the scenery, I didn't mind the drive at all.." Scenery full of nature and beauty. You chuckled along with him as he invited you in.

"That's one of the things that helped me decide on this house. That and the privacy without being to far from the center.." His gaze fell to your lips for a moment before he spoke again. "..You look really beautiful, not that you don't always look beautiful. It just seems like each time I see you, you're even prettier than the last.."

You felt your face heat up at his compliment, smiling a bit brighter than intended. "Why thank you, Erik. You don't look too bad yourself. I actually feel over dressed.." Stepping aside as he closed the door, your heels clicked against the tiled floor of his foyer.

Maybe a jumpsuit and heels were a bit dressy for an in-home dinner.

He shook his head as he took your jacket. "It's perfect. You look.. perfect." His eyes studied yours, mind blanking as he admired you. You broke into another smile and he cleared his throat. Rubbing the back of his neck. "Uh, I'm still cooking. I hope that doesn't bother you, princess."

Ushering you to the kitchen, he pulled out a stool for you at the island. Which you accepted with a thank you. "Wine?" He made sure you were comfortable before rounding the island. Two wine glasses rested on a counter aside a tall dark bottle, one of the glasses already tainted with a bit of wine. He'd drank a bit to loosen his nerves before you arrived.

You accepted his offer with a smirk. "Is this your way of telling me to loosen up, Mr. Stevens?" He laughed, pouring a bit of the wine in your glass. Turning to the island, he scooped up his drink as well. 

"No not at all, princess. I just want to make sure you feel welcomed.." He handed you your glass, giving a small shrug. "..and believe it or not, I'm a bit nervous myself." Taking a sip of his drink, he pulled gently at the collar of his t-shirt. Making you snort a laugh.

"You? Nervous? How?" You smiled bigger, chuckling as he watched you. His dimples showing themselves from a smile of his own. "The Erik Stevens, who radiates confidence without trying, is nervous about hanging out with me?"

He focused on what was cooking on the stove. Aromas of herbs and spices wafting towards you. "I'm far from perfect, princess. I too tend to get nervous at times.." You watched him add a few ingredients to a sauce pan, him stirring with one hand and adding with the other. "This time being that I'm really hoping to impress a very beautiful woman that I really like, that's not only smart but intimidates me without trying."

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