Mr. Telephone Man

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Erik Stevens x Black PlusSized Reader

Soft, scooting footsteps echoed in the hallway from the furry bunny slippers that kept your feet warm. Their white fur matched the fuzz that lined the length of your robe. It's fabric almost touched the floor, if not for it stopping just above your ankle. Your hands cupped a warm mug of hot chocolate, careful not to waste a drop as you drifted over to the large windows of your living room.

You held the steaming cup with you left hand, catching the fabric of the curtain with your right. A single glance from the window gave view of the street below. Few people walked around, getting to wherever they were going. Stores began to close as it inched closer to ten o'clock. Taking a step closer to the recently cleaned glass, your eye caught the body of a busy male as he was turned to the old pay phone across the street. Between the bakery and the black owned boutique.

"I didn't know that worked.." You thought aloud, mumbling it to yourself. The curtain closed with ease as you gave the thought no more attention. Missing the look he'd given your window over his shoulder once you'd walked away. A look over to the front door reassured you of it being locked along with the extra security measure you'd bought from Amazon to stop any intruders if they got past the dead bolt. Back to my halloween movies.

The soft mumbles of a Tia and Tamera Mowry welcomed you from the television, portraying their characters from Twitches. Which you'd been waiting to watch to welcome in the fall weather. You'd made up your mind that you'd skip the scary movies while you were home alone. They always made you uneasy so you'd settled for some Disney channel movies. A pumpkin spice scent wafted from the candle on the shelf in the corner of your room to add to the warmth.

Sitting your cup on the nightstand, you tightened the string on your robe. Your hands focused on securing your braids beneath the silk scarf that held them back. The lengthy braids had been on a bun atop your head for the past few days and it felt good to finally be free of the heavy donut of hair.

Approaching your bedroom window, you grabbed your curtains with either hand to close them. Though a glance out the window stopped you again. Aside from the few cars that passed and the couple of strangers still walking along the sidewalk, the street traffic was dying down.

It was something you'd grown used to, sometimes watching them from your third floor apartment window. People watching. There were a bunch of interesting characters that crossed the not so busy path, some more odd than others. But you'd never seen anyone use that pay phone.

"Damn, he's still there?" You looked to the back of the broad shouldered man. He rested a hand atop the payphone, still speaking into the phone. Must've been a serious call. His movements ceased for a moment, him looking at the phone before he looked to the side of him. It took a sudden look towards your window to make you yank the curtains shut.

You'd gasped in the moment, but found yourself laughing once you'd climbed into bed. Picking up the hot chocolate, you blew over it gently. Before taking a small sip. A warm tingle fell over you and you relaxed against the pillows comforting you.

Halfway through the movie, your phone lit up. At first with regular notifications but then with a call. You glanced over to see who the caller was but seen an unknown number. One thing about you, unknown numbers stayed unanswered. Silencing the phone, you went back to your movie.

Your beverage was a few sips from being done, but you'd sat the cup aside anyway. The cover was pulled up to your chest since the house was a bit cooler. It wasn't to suspicious being that you liked it to be cool when you went to bed so you could bury yourself in the sheets. But it was really cold as hell.

You'd decided to power through the drop in temperature, being content as long as you stayed in the bed. The phone began its ringing against the nightstand once again and you looked over to it. The same number. "Who in the hell is this calling me?"

You reached out a hand from the warmth of your sheets, grabbing the phone and bringing it closer. The area code familiar, being that it was your hometown's. Maybe it was someone with a new number. Your cousin changed phone numbers like you change hairstyles. Pressing accept at the top of the screen, you put it to your ear.

You stayed quiet for a moment before saying your hello. No one answered immediately. The creeped you for sure but it didn't send a chill down your spine like the sudden voice did. "I was wondering if you'd fallen asleep.. you never came back to the window." You didn't say anything, more confused than anything before it settled in.

"Who is this?" You sat up, looking to the closed curtains. How did they get your number? "This better not be you Chris. Playing on my damn phone." Your younger cousin knew how scary you were and he'd pranked you a couple of times before.

His chuckle chilled you, making you fist the sheet as you became nervous. "It's no prank, princess. Just me and you." That was as the line that made you hang up. You went to your messages, finding your cousins name and texting a quick paragraph. With a mumble under your breath, you'd rolled your eyes and tossed your phone to the bed beside you.

"Maybe I need to change my damn number." You went back to watching your movie, getting into your relaxed state again. A ding from your phone minutes later pulled you from the movie once again. From Chris with a confused 'I'm out with my girl and her parents. What are you talking about?'. You furrowed your eyebrows at the message, looking back to the curtains.

Just as you'd began to text back, the number popped up again. You stared at the screen in fear as it vibrated in your hands. Once the ringing stopped, you let out a sigh of relief. Then two dings alerted you of a text message.

Come on now. Don't tell me that I've scared you off.

Another two dings.

I thought we were just getting acquainted.

Another two dings.

How about this?... You let me in and I'll explain it all. Please?🥺

A picture dropped after the string of messages. Your body froze up as you studied the screen. "No, no, no.." Dropping the phone, you gasped out as the device fell from your hands. Three knocks to the bedroom door caught your attention, but what you seen caught the scream in your throat. Just as the candle went out on its own.

He stood there, broad stature and a full on grin. Golden fangs gleaming from the light of the television. "Knock, knock."

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