Please, Mama Bear

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Erik 'Dadmonger' Stevens

A familiar sound spilled through the house from upstairs, bass giving a barely there vibration. The front door closed with the quick motion of your foot with a soft slam. Carrying two armfuls of grocery to the kitchen, which you knew Erik would get onto you about doing alone, you wondered what the sneaky trio upstairs was up to.

Deciding to leave the groceries for a moment, you ascended then hardwood stairs. Straightening the most recent family portrait frame as you passed it. Chuckling at Erik and Jadaka's large, signature smiles. Getting to the hallway you heard the music soften and Amari talking to Erik. He mumbled a confused, 'That ain't how it goes?'

"No, Baba. It's like this. 1, 2, 3, & 4... Yeah, like that. Just speed it up and you got it." She instructed before Jadaka gave his approval. They gave encouraging praises as they did a test run. You posted in the door of Amari's room, seeing them all doing that viral renegade dance. Erik kept up with the speed, pleasing them enough to start the music up again. Being around the kids at the outreach center helped him catch on quick.

The beat dropped and they moved in sync, each of them adding their own flare of course. Erik actually was adorable with his mature version of the woah. His dreads danced along with him. Free and falling past his shoulders. You had to fight back a giggle as they finished, watching as he let a dramatic sigh of relief.

Jadaka picked up the phone, tapping the screen a few times before he turned it around. "Wanna watch it, baba?" The eight year old offered the phone to his sister. She pressed play and held it out for all three of them to watch. Erik smiled as he watched it, dimples deep as craters.

He did soft motions of the dance with the video. Both you and Amari found that funny, making your presence known. Erik beamed a smile, holding out a hand for you to take. Walking into the room, you took his hand and stood by Jadaka before pressed a kiss to your son's forehead. Which he liked but tried to pretend he was too old for. "Y'all putting your old man onto tik tok?"

Amari and Jadaka both giggled, nodding as they confirmed what you'd known. Erik raised an eyebrow, getting the phone to give you a closer look. He pressed play as he held it up for you. "Could a old man do this right here? If anything I look like an other brother."

You blurt out a laugh at his response, nudging him playfully as you take the phone. He grins as you finish the video. Erik did look really good for his age, but joking with him about it was always fun. "Do you want to make one with us too, mama?" Amari looked to you with a smile.

Making a sound of uncertainty, you handed her back the phone. "I don't know about all that. I'm not really a dancer." Erik looked at you in disbelief. He knew all too well that you could dance your ass off without trying. Your moves were a not-so-guilty pleasure of his. Hence the private dance sessions he likes to sneak in when the kids are either deep in sleep or away at after school activities.

"Pleasee, Mama bear.. one won't hurt" Erik pleaded, pressing a kiss to both your hands. He pouted that plump bottom lip of his. Then your babies joined in with him and his pleas. Just as ruthless and persuasive as their father. You smiled, giving a playful eye roll and sigh of defeat.

"Fine. Fine. Since y'all got me in the dancing mood... who's gonna teach me it?"

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