Battle It Out

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Erik 'Dadmonger' Stevens

The smell of bacon and syrup filled the air. Dancing with the sounds of sizzling. The family of four occupied the kitchen for breakfast before their day of activities. Erik had helped Amari into a chair and buckled Jadaka into his high chair. He'd offered to entertain the kids while you cooked.

And entertaining he was..

"Listen.. You got fo' teeth and dress real neat.. But when it comes to me, I can't be beat.." Erik dramatically wiped both hands over his face, licking his lips as he walked away from the high chair before walking back. Like he just spit the coldest line of 2019. You chuckled at him, shaking your head as he battle rapped with an amused Jadaka.

Amari grinned, her dimples appearing as she watched the show her father put on. Erik rubbed his hands together, standing in front of his opponent. "ABCDEFG..HIJKL-M..N-O..P.." Jadaka squealed a laugh, making Erik break his character. Erik chuckled, his dimples matching Amari's. "Chill out, chill out. Ayo, ma! Ya boy think this a joke."

Erik called out to you, smiling. Jadaka started babbling, holding a finger out at Erik. You laughed at the unintelligible words, knowing that your baby was going in. "Tell him, 'Daka!" You cheered for your baby boy, making Erik fake offense.

He looked to Amari, chuckling as it pointed to you. "You see how he just took my woman from me? Yoo, this boy got skills." Erik pulled up his sweats higher, nodding his head with a lick of his lips. "..But I got him. I got him. Watch this, princess."

But one giggle from both his children had him laughing.

"No wait. I'm tryna be serious.." Erik chuckled as he held a fist to his mouth. Shoulders bouncing gently. Clearing his throat after calming down, he held back his smile for a serious look. "Aight, check it.. You think ya flow hit.. but boy you ain't slick.. Cause when it comes down to it?.. I take care of ya when ya sick."

Jadaka squealed a laugh, clapping as Erik laughed. The ten month old babbled his response, smiling to show the few teeth he had. Erik raised both his thick eyebrows playfully, looking to Amari as she giggled. "Yooo getcha' people Mari. He talkin all that noise."

Jadaka kicked his feet happily in the footed onesie he wore, making Erik chuckle again before he placed a kiss to both children's forehead. "Your mama just save you from these bars, 'Daka."  You playfully rolled your eyes at Erik, bringing over three plates to your awaiting family.

Erik caught your hand after you put the plates down, pulling you back to him. "Aye lil mama, you ever been wit a rapper?" You smiled, sitting on his lap as you replied 'no, I haven't. Do you know one?'. He raised his eyebrows with faux shock, laughing as you stood and send him a wink. Calling a 'that's how we doing it' behind you.

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