She Likes Me

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Erik Stevens x Black PlusSized Reader

"I put the last load in for you, mama." Your thirteen year old daughter, Samai, came back to your side. She handed you the spare quarters she had and stood at the table beside you. You thanked her and she gave went to reading her book she'd brought as entertainment. It'd had her attention the last two days.

Gathering the dryer sheets and washing detergent from the table, you decided to take them to the car to lessen the load once you'd finish your clothes. "I'll be back, baby girl." You looked to Samai as she replied with an ok mama, telling you she'd still be where she sat when you returned.

Standing from the seat, you did a small stretch before starting towards the door. You'd really hoped to be finished with these clothes soon so you could go back home and rest. Your off days always seemed to fly by.

"Shit" The hiss slipped pass your lips as your box of dryer sheets fell to the floor. Rolling your eyes to yourself, you reached down to pick up the scented enhancers. Meeting the hand of someone else. "Thank you. I could've gotten it. I've been so clumsy this morning."

You met the brown eyes of the good samaritan with a smile, taking in their face. He gave a big smile, shrugging dismissively. "It's no problem. I don't mind helping out a beauty like yourself." His well taken care of thirty two's were satisfying to see. Dimples carved into both his cheeks. The awe struck look on your face only deepened as you watched him give a small nod and turn to walk away.

The tight fabric of his dri fit and the crop sweats he wore showcased his body well. He went back to his pile of half folded clothes, continuing his chore of finishing them. You chuckled at your lusting, finally taking the small handful you carried to the car. The bell on the door announced your re-entrance.

Glancing up at the mystery male once again, you caught his gaze before the both of you chuckled at the coincidence. Samai looked up at you with a small smile. She hadn't seen you smile like that in a while, blushing and giving small adjusting to your appearance. "Mama, who was that?" Looking to yourself a daughter, she didn't mind staring over to the mystery man with curiosity. You chuckled, motioning her back to her book.

"I didn't get his name. But he seen I dropped something and picked it up. He was just being nice." You shrugged it off, thinking she'd leave the topic and switch the subject. She didn't say anything for a moment before she glanced over again.

"He's handsome.." She stated bluntly as you began to fold the first batch of freshly dried clothes. ".. you like handsome guys." You let out a burst of laughter at that, quickly clearing your throat when you got a glance from an elderly woman a few seats away. Apologizing softly, you heard Samai giggle.

"I do like handsome guys, but I'm sure he's not interested." You dismissed the thought, fighting the urge to look over at him again. "Why don't you help me fold these clothes, honey? The faster we finish, the faster we get to head home."

She sat her book aside, obeying but not dropping the subject. "Are you scared to ask?" The question left her mouth casually as she folded a few face towels. You raised an eyebrow and glanced at her. Were you?

"Of course not, but I'm sure he's busy right now. He's trying to focus on finishing his clothes and getting out of here. Like we should be.." You motioned to the second basket of clothes you had yet to start. She nodded and it stayed that way halfway into the last basket.

Her soft voice caught your attention, yet her words didn't catch as quick. "He's coming over here." You looked at her confused before looking in the direction of him. He indeed was walking over to you. His lips spread into that killer smile.

"It looks like you ladies may need some help loading all these baskets on the car. I could help, if y'all don't mind an extra set of hands. " He rubbed the back of his neck, left hand in his pocket. A extra pair of hands would be helpful with the four baskets you'd brought in. Plus, Samai had answered for after a few moments of you not answering.

"Yes sir. We'd like that. These baskets are heavy. Right, mama?" She looked to you with a innocent smile. You nodded in agreement, looking to him with a smile of your own. Answering a 'right. We'd love your help.'
In the time it too to finish the few clothes you'd need to fold, he introduced himself as Erik Stevens and made friends with Samai. They both had a thing for engineering from the sound of it. So not only was he handsome, he was good with children? Check and check.

He'd stacked two baskets when it was finally time to leave. Allowing you to lead the way to your vehicle. Him and Samai spoke more of engineering and he'd told her of his degree from MIT. She lit up at that, excited since she's thought of that as a school of choice after high school.

When their conversation came to an end, despite her wanting it to, she thanked him for helping and found her place in the passenger seat. Leaving you and Erik alone. "Thank you again, Erik. I really appreciate it." You'd placed the last basket in the trunk before turning to him. He grinned with a shrug.

"I told you I don't mind helping out a woman as pretty as you. The smile on your face is thanks enough.." He chuckled at your shy look away from his comment. ".. actually, I was wondering if I could see you again. Maybe I treat you to dinner and an art exhibit? If you're up to it?"

You looked up at him, smiling just as big as he was. Not giving an answer, you made your way to the driver's side and opened the door without a glance to him. A nervous feeling tingled in his belly at the anticipation, but it softened when you returned before him. You held a business card out to him, some auto repair place that you'd once sent to. On the blank side of the card was your number written in pink glittery ink, specifically from Samai's pen since you couldn't find your pen quick enough.

"I'd like that a lot, Erik.." You chuckled at his visible relief. " me later and we can make arrangements. Okay?" He gave you a half dazed look, grinning as he replied an soft 'Okay'. Nodding, you left him to get in your car and pull off.

He looked back down at the card he held, grinning like a kid in the candy store. Doing a small fist pump of victory, he started for his car. "She's likes me.."

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