6: All Might

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Edited/re-written on 17/11/23

Well, this was odd.

The more you ignored the boy, the more attached he was to you. Every time you entered the classroom he would call you by that nickname and run up to you as if you've known each other the longest of times. Every time you saw him, you would run away to which that would lead him to chase you and wrap his legs and arms around your body.

Monkey D. Luffy
Quirk: Gum Gum or Rubber body

His quirk allows him to stretch any part of his body, just like you would be able to do with plastic or gum. His skin is soft and stretchy, you could even chew it if you would dare.

You had to restrain yourself from punching him as Corazón didn't want to end back in the teacher's office. You also picked up on the fact that Corazón had started to swear way less, like he would swear but when ever you were in the room he'd switch the words. For example, shit would become sugar. Fuck would become fudge and bitch would become list.

He was a weirdo, but whatever made him happy. Although it was too late to stop you from swearing as you've heard him do it a lot, and it's not like you'd forget it.

Time passed, and you found yourself at a park with an ice cream in your hand, and Luffy bouncing around with his own ice cream.

Well, you had gotten closer to the boy with the straw hat. His annoying attempts of being your friend paid off in the end.

"Strawhat-ya you'll fall if you don't stop bouncing around, you and your ice cream." The boy ignored your warning a kept doing as he pleased which made you sigh. Seriously, he was missing a few up there. Licking the ice cream while you sat on a piece of wood, you watched Luffy.

Another laugh came out from the boy, he jumped on top of the wooden polls, while yelling out to you. "N/n! Look at me! Join me, I'll catch you if you fa-"

His foot slipped, and you watched him fall down face-first into the bark. The ice cream went splat and fell right beside his head. It only took a moment before the boy started crying.

His face lifted from the bark and a stream of blood fell down from his noes, bits of bark stuck to his tan face as his tears fell from his eyes. Another sigh left your mouth.

You had figured out that hanging out with Luffy was like hanging out with Corazón, both ended up getting hurt in the most bizarre ways. The two were prone to accidents meaning that if you were with them, you would always carry around a first aid kit. It was in your pockets to, it was always in reach if something were to go really bad.

Finishing off your ice cream you got off the wood and began to walk to the crying child. Reaching into your pocket, you pulled out the kit and began to open it. Crouching down near the boy you sighed again at him.

"I told you so."

The boy cried even harder.

You reached your hand up to the boy's hair and massaged your fingers through the black locks of his, "Strawhat-ya calm down, let me clean you up." This wasn't the first time you've had to clean him up, or was it the first time taking care of his injuries.

The boy sniffled again but this time he was sitting up, well more like leaping at you. His face pushed into your neck as his arms and legs wrapped around your torso, his shoulders trembled as you continued to massage through his black hair.

This wasn't odd either, Luffy becomes real clingy when he's in pain. At first, it took you off guard how he could just cling to you but then after the first few times you have gotten used to it.

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