26: Reveals

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"Hey guys, are you ready?! A lot's happened, but it's now come to this! A serious battle!" The crowd roared with cheers.

You were sitting next to Ochako, you were both in the front row of the spectating area so you both got a good view of the fight.

"I'm a little worried for Deku, he doesn't know his opponents quirk, Y/n you were partnered with him so you must know his quirk." Ochako turned towards you, who was looking at the crowd of spectators.

"I know his quirk, but he told me not to tell anyone, and I am a woman of my word after all." You turned to look at the girl who sighed, Ochako's leg bounced up and down, showing sign's that she was nervous.

"If I'm honest, I think Izuku-ya will win." Ochako looked at the girl wide-eyes, her moth agape. "Only if he doesn't get caught, if he gets caught then it's Shinso-ya's win, if he doesn't then Izuku's physical strength is much more than Shinso-ya's." The class who heard her looked at her 

"Damn I really don't wanna fight her." Kaminari mumbled while he stood near Bakugou who was looking at the screen.

"Audience! The finals that you've all been waiting all been waiting for are finally starting! Match number one." The screen displayed a phot of Shinso and Midoriya.

"Even though he's done well, what's with that face. From the hero course, it's Midoriya Izuku! Versus The silent speaker who claimed first last round. From general studies, it's Shinso Hitoshi." The crowd roared with applauses and screams.

'I was half expecting Mr. Mic-ya to not announce Shinso-ya with a title.' You looked at the two who entered the stage.

"The rules are simple. Force your opponent out of bounds, or immobilize them! You can also win by making your opponent say "I give up!" Bring on the injuries." Presents Mic's voice boomed as the two fighters made in on the stage from different ends.

"Because we've got our very own Recovery Girl waiting on stand by, put your morals and ethics aside for a moment. But of course, anything life-threatening is crap and not allowed." Present Mic kept talking.

'They're really dragging this out, just get the fight started already.' You played with the bandage on your arm as you waited for the battle to start, you just wanted the fight to start and start quickly.

 You noticed that Shinso was talking to the green haired male.


Neither of the two moved but you noticed that Izuku kept his mouth shut at whatever Shinso was saying, that was until Izuku started running towards the man and yelled something at him but stopped suddenly.

You let out a sigh and thought allowed "So he figured it out in the end but still got caught." Ojirou who noticed you mutter something looked at you, and then looked back at the frozen Izuku.

"Hey, hey, what's the matter! It's the important first match! Liven things up. Midoriya! The match just started... and he's completely frozen?!" 

"H-hey, what's wrong with Deku, why isn't he moving." Ochako exclaimed as she looked at the frozen Izuku, Iida who was next to her looked at the frozen form of his friend "What in the world is going on?"

"He's got a blank look on his face and isn't moving a muscle! Is this Shinso's quirk?! He was pretty cool in the second stage but could he be actually be someone amazing?" Present Mic's voice was clear as day once the crowd stopped cheering.

Ojirou looked at you who was now not interested in the fight due to Izuku being caught. "Trafalgar," You looked at the male and hummed "You were partnered with him in the cavalry battle, is this something to do with his quirk."

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