29: Proposal

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"Is it the quirk you have not your father but you.  God that sounded so cheesy, what was I thinking" You mumbled while holding all the drinks in your two hands as you walked down the hallway.

"Now we've got everyone who's advancing to the second round! So let's get started!" Present Mic's voice boomed around the arena.

'I should hurry up before the drinks get to warm.' You made your way past a corner only to come in face to face with Endeavour and Izuku.

"Endeavour!" Izuku spoke in shock not noticing you right in front of him and to the right of the pro hero. Izuku's eyes travelled to you and he spoke in shock "Y/n!" A little startled by his loud voice you flinched.

Endeavour looked at Izuku then at you, "Oh there you two are?" You looked up at the man on fire as he looked at Izuku and you.

"Endeavour... What are you doing here?" Izuku stumbled on his words as he looked at the taller male, you inched closer to Izuku.

'I just keep running into the Todoroki's today, or do they keep running into me?' You noticed the boy glance at you then back at the smaller boy.

"I watched the both of your fights, Midoriya." He looked at the green-haired boy who had flinched when the older males eyes landed on his smaller figure. "You have a wonderful quirk, you created so much wind pressure just by flicking your fingers. If we're talking about power alone, yours is comparable to All Might's." 

Izuku once again flinched while you looked up at the man 'No wonder he could tell, as he's been trying to beat Yagi-ya for years now.'

"Wh-what are you-." Izuku stumbled out trying to not get caught, he side eyed you as you shook your head clearing the thought of Endeavour knowing about One For All.

"Strength and enhancement quirks are not that rare Endeavour-ya, many heroes now days have quirks like that, Izuku-ya just happens to have one like that and it's more powerful because of him being in a younger generation." Endeavours eyes meet yours as you stood your ground as you ushered Izuku to keep moving forward to his match.

"Even if it's not the same, It is my Shoto's duty to surpass All Might." Endeavour glared at you as Izuku froze in his walking.

'"My Shoto's" There he goes saying that crap again'. You stared up at him though you wished you could stare down at him.

"His match with you Midoriya, will be a very instructive test bed. Please don't disgrace yourself in it." He looked behind him "That was all I wanted to say to you. I apologize for bothering you before the match" His eyes travelled back down to yours.

'So he did have something to say to me as well, I should tell him to hurry or these drinks will definitely be warm.' You thought as Endeavour opened his mouth to speak to you but was cut of by Izuku himself.

"I.. am not All Might." Endeavour turned his head to face the kid and you peered at Izuku "That's obvious-" Once again Izuku cut him off.

"That's obvious, right? Todoroki isn't you, either." Izuku turned his head t look into Endeavours eyes and held contact before breaking it and walking away.

A little smirk made it's way up onto your face as you watched him disappear from out of sight and noticed how Endeavour kept looking at the place Izuku left.

"If you aren't going to say anything I've got to go back an watch the match." You spoke turning to leave, as his eyes shifted back to you.

"Though you may not have a strength quirk like All might, you do get in the way of my Shoto's becoming number one. I thought little of you when we first meet, for I thought you were but a meer girl with a katana, but once you claimed first in the second stage I realized that you were not." Endeavour looked down a you as you let out another sigh.

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