12: People

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Edited/re-written on 27/05/24

"What's it like having All Might as a teacher here at UA" A grey microphone was quickly shoved into your face by a reporter.

You were just doing the normal walk up the hill to UA when you were bombarded by cameras, microphones and people. They surrounded the UA gate like predators waiting for their prey, as far as you could see there were swarms of them.

So the media decided to act now that All Might had officially come to UA and taught a class. To you, the media were like animals. One moment they could be your best friend writing all good stuff about you, the next they could write horrible stories about you that could end your career in seconds. You get that it's their job to be nosy about their desired topic, but someone should teach them boundaries.

Pulling the cow print hat down so it covered just above your eyes, you pushed the microphone out of your face and pushed past other people. That was all for naught as not even a second later and a new microphone appeared.

"How are All Mights classes?" The reporter appeared by your side, her once crisp suit was now devilish. Her voice called out to you desperately. Well, it didn't matter to you how desperate she was, you weren't going to give her a sprinkle of what you knew. So once more, you shoved the microphone away from your face.

"I don't know. Not in the hero course, so I've never seen All Might in person before, not even in the school halls." You lied as you pushed through more of the media, the woman still following after you. "How about you stop asking random students how his classes are, stop shoving cameras and microphones in their faces. 'Cause I can guarantee, sometime in the near future someone's going to do you for harassment. Let me remind you, this is a high school, where minors come to learn." You almost made it to the school's gate. "Oh, you also come off desperate like that, not a good look."

As you pulled out your students ID to scan at the gate, the reporter behind you and some others who had heard the last part of the conversation gapped.

What a rude girl! This is what UA lets into their school.

Once the gate opened, you began to walk through, only to look back at them with a smug smile. "I was actually part of the hero course. Oh! and All Mights fabulous at teaching".

Waving a hand, you turned back to the front as the gate began to shut again.



"How rude, just who the hell does she think she is!"

"Kids nowadays!"

"Hey, over there, a UA student!"

"Go, go, go"

A hooded figure in the shadows watched the whole ordeal with blood-red eyes. His hands twitched and his neck itched.


"Morning, Mr. Aizawa-ya."

You were walking up the stairs to the school when you noticed your home room teacher walking down them. He looked just like how he did yesterday, scruffy looking. He stopped on the step you were on.

"That wasn't a smart move."

What, no morning for you. You stopped as well and shrugged your shoulders.

"I couldn't care less. If they act on those words just proves how immature they are." You turned your body to look back at the UA gate, even from here you could hear them pestering students. A sigh came from your right, Aizawa rummaged a hand through his hair.

"They'll twist it." Aizawa's eyes focused on you. Your hand came up and fixed your hat on your head.


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