38: Kuraigana City

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To say that Kaminari was happy and extremely disappointed at the same time, would be a severe understatement, for the reason he was happy would be because as of this weekend and onwards till the following Saturday his class would be doing hero internships.

Yet, this was the weekend he was supposed to go on a date with the tallest female in his class, you. He had the whole date planned out, yet it was taken away from him when Mr. Aizawa said that, that weekend would be the start of the internships.

After hearing those words from his teacher's mouth his head hit his desk dramatically leaving a loud bang. His classmates didn't notice seeing as they couldn't hear him over the noise they were producing.

Class passed by quickly and Kaminari wouldn't let his chance slip away, he pushed his papers and work into his bag not caring if it had creases on it, he would uncrease it later if it needed to be done. He unhooked his bag from his desk and swung it over his shoulder and made a B line to where you were.

You were still putting your papers into your bag, way more neatly than he did.

Okay, Kaminari had this in the bag, he'd walk up to your desk and place his hand on it while leaning, you'd look up at him as your cheeks would heat up, you would try your best to avoid eye contact, but your eyes would eventually meet his own electrifying yellow ones. He would speak in a cool manner and say the best pick-up line.

"I'm learning important all the in dates, you and history wanna be them one?"


So that didn't go as he had planned, a red flushing paved its way onto his face as he brought his hand that was on your desk to his face and covered his face in embarrassment, he avoided your eye contact, oh how he just wanted the world to swallow him whole.

"I'm learning about important dates in history. Wanna be one of them?"

Now it was his turn to be surprised, he looked down at you, who looked up at him with a slight smile, you grabbed your bag and stood up, so he was now looking up at you.

"That's what you meant to say, right?"

Kaminari couldn't really form a sentence, so he just nodded his head, noticing how he was still embarrassed about what happened before you changed the topic.

"Next weekend, Sunday after we get back let's go on that date."

His hand fell from his face and his jaw dropped, this was what he wanted and what he came to talk about. But you took the lead and proposed it to him, he wanted to be the one to do it... But this works just great for him, as long as he got that date.

"Great, yeah I'm down!"

His mood picked up, it was like he forgot about the whole ordeal that happened a few moments beforehand, you noticed that he seemed like a go with the flow type person, much like a certain rubber boy you know.

You both unconsciously started to walk together outside the school as you talked. As like last time, he said he would plan it and let you know on Saturday.

"Well, see you tomorrow, get home safe!" Denki waved you off as you entered the train, your face mask was on, so he didn't notice that you gave him a slight smile, you waved your hand as the doors closed.

Before they closed you said, "Don't forget about the deal, Denki-ya."

You sighed as you looked around the train, as usual there were no open seats, so you stood near the exit, but not in the way if people wanted to leave, you pulled your hat down, so it covered your eyes, you could still see, your earphones were in and playing the same tunes as always.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2023 ⏰

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