37: Hero names

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As per normal, you started school the next day, you got on your train and spotted Kendo, your face mask was on, but she still spotted you, you made your way to where she was seated and like any other day, you stood in front of her and talked to her, but as you talked you heard a commotion to your right.

"Hey, you're Midoriya Izuku right? Great job in the sports festival!" A stranger on your left spoke, other citizens who noticed the short green-haired boy congratulated him, it was then on your left that people spotted you and Kendo.

"You two are Kendo and Trafalgar, you placed third, excellent job I was routing for you two." A female who was shorter than both of you spoke which got more people attention, and it got Izuku's as well.

With a flushed face from all the complements he looked at you, he waved a little and you nodded his way. You wondered how you had never seen him on the train before, a different compartment.


You walked into the school with Kendo but split up when you got to class B where you continued to walk into class A, Izuku had left beforehand which you didn't mind seeing how flushed his face was from the complements.

"You won't believe what a bunch of elementary school brats yelled at me." You entered the classroom and everyone was chatting to each other, Sero was pointing to himself with his thumb and a disappointed look was shown on his face.

"Don't mind?" Tsu blatantly put it making Sero groan in frustration. You sat down in your seat between Todoroki and Momo just in time for Izuku to jog into class with Iida right behind him, he left before you?

"All it take is one festival for people to know your name." Denki said speaking to Mineta, though you heard a monotone voice on your right.

"I went to visit my mother yesterday." Todoroki looked at you as he sat down on his seat, his voice was quite, but you managed to catch it, turning your body to face his you nodded your head.

You were lucky that the class was loud otherwise you would feel weird haring this conversation in the back of a classroom where any of your peers could hear you.

"That's good, I suppose it went well." Seeing as Todoroki seemed to be comfortable to tell you things, you hoped he wouldn't mind you asking seeing as he was the one who started the conversation.

His face wasn't so stiff as it normally was, if it was possibly he looked relaxed as if something heavy had been ridden from his back. He nodded his head as well, "It did, we talked."

Since Todoroki was telling you about his two-day break, something more on the private side, you may as well open up too, you didn't want your relationship with Todoroki to be a trading one, where he would tell you something, and you would tell him something back, if he was willing to open up you thought it was time for you to do so as well.

"I also went to visit my mother and father yesterday." He was a little surprised to hear that, seeming as you don't normally share private things with people, it made him feel a little joyful you were willing to share something private.

"Did it go well?"

You looked at him before turning your head and laughing into your hands trying to keep it down, of course the boy was confused, he didn't know that your parents no longer lived in this world. At first, you weren't going to laugh, but his expression made you laugh, call yourself rude, but they passed away over ten years ago.

Todoroki watched you chuckle into your hands before clearing your throat and looking at him, did he say something wrong? As if reading his mind you waved your hand and spoke.

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