8: Successor?

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Edited/re-written on 21/11/23

Corazón's age: 33
Also forgot to mention you live in Musutafu because of the office being close to UA high, though you still have to catch a train to High school.

"So young y/n, it's getting closer to the examination. Are you getting nervous." The blonde man said. He wore a loose t-shirt that was stretched, dark green pants and dark black boots.

This was indeed All Might, well, a less buffed up version of him. Though losing his muscles, he was still the same height of 7'3 (220 cm). His hair in the front of the face hung down in his face unlike its normal high in the air.

How did you know this version of All Might? Well, the man told her himself. It was when she was eleven, that he transformed into the skinny man in front of her, blood coughed up from his mouth. He transformed in the office that was shared between Corazón and Naomasa.

The other two knew beforehand, after All might had gotten into the massive fight. He really didn't want another person to know about One For All but considering how he would always visit the office and how it was his space to de-transform and relax. But at the same time, he knew he could trust you with his secret.

Whenever All Might came to visit, you'd always be in the office. A bokken in hand, or a book, no in between. The book would be an English book filled with medical knowledge which All Might, couldn't really get into his head. You still struggled with English, but you've gotten much better.

All Might told you about his other form and showed it to you, he didn't want you to see it accidentally. He left out the part with One For All. Well, not until you were thirteen, that's when he told you.

You had noticed that All Might had spent less time as All Might and more time as Yagi Toshinori. He was out of the spotlight for the majority of the day and spent three hours at most saving people. She knew the injury had something to do with it, but at the same time, he spent more time focusing on one villain.

The All Might you knew would spend at least 20 minutes on a villain and then move on, but now he was spending more time. So being curious you asked him, he was in one of the office chairs drinking some coffee provided by Corazón. Little did you know that your thirteen-year-old self would uncover a secret.

"Yagi-ya. Why don't you spend more time being a hero? Three hours is your normal now. You also spend more time on a villain now and whenever I use scan when you're in my room, why does your flame of power flicker and dim?" You bluntly asked without looking at the man, a swing of your bokken was heard after the question.

The man in question choked on his coffee, before spitting and coughing it out. Blood and coffee dribbled down his chin, oh and saliva too. Quickly wiping his chin with the back of his hand, Yagi looked at the girl, who had recently gone through a growths spurt. His eyes flickered to Corazón who shrugged his shoulders.

"Oh? Where did this question come from?" Yagi said, trying to put his coffee down on the coffee table.

Being tired of swinging the bokken, you placed it down and walked to the coffee table to grab your water bottle. "I wouldn't really say it's from anywhere, thought I'd ask just because I noticed."

Yagi could only sigh, he sometimes forgot just how observant you are, but with one last attempt he tried to deflect the question. "Right, well since I'm getting old, my power must've weakened." He gave his most convincing smile, but you didn't believe it.

"That's a lie. Many heroes who have gotten to your age still have the same amount of power maybe less, but you're not that old, yet how come you spend three hours? Is it your wound again, do you want me to have a look at it, I'll be able to help this time." You spoke as your eyes flickered to his clothed torso, his wound.

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