31: Empress

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The stage was soon repaired, and it was now time for your battle against Mina. The crowd roared with cheers and whistled as you and Mina both made your way to the stage.

"Thanks for waiting audience, it is now time for the second battle of the second round. The first one was action packed, let's see if it's the same for this one." You and Mina stood on the stage.

"Two queens fight for the title of Empress!" Present Mic yelled, making you slightly cringe.

'Queen? I'm no royalty.' While you may have had that view on it, your opponent was smiling, a smile that reached her eyes.

"Haha he called us queens, at least someone understands the power of us girls, let's show them something queen worthy." Mina spoke, looking over at you, who had slightly nodded.

In the A classes' spectator booth, a certain ash blonde-haired boy scoffed and mumbled something along the lines of. 

"Queen? Empress? She's none of those things." Kirishima, Sero and Denki who had heard him turned to face him, to which he glared at them, "What."

Leaning back onto his seat with his hands behind his head, Denki spoke, "I don't know about that, they could both be queens in their own sort of way" Sero nodded his head while Bakugou scoffed once more.

"Yeah, I agree. While Mina would be a chill but manly ruler, Trafalgar would be strict but also a powerful ruler. The two would have similar but different views on things." Kirishima turned around, looking up at the four boys above him.

"Are you guys seriously taking what Present Mic said seriously?" Mineta spoke from beside Denki. Toru who overheard what they were speaking about, pushed Mineta out of the way and spoke up "I know right, Oh I wonder what kind of gowns they would wear or who would be their emperor or even an empress."

"Shut. Up." Though it seems like his voice was unheard as the group ignored him and kept talking. 

"Mina's castle or empire would definitely be somewhere with a lot of animals and trees, so maybe hidden away in a forest of light." Toru said while the other nodded in their heads in agreement.

"Hmm, for Trafalgar, I feel like somewhere hidden, somewhere with sturdy grounds and a fresh water supply. Somewhere dark and mysterious, she has that kinda vibe to her y'know" Sero spoke while Toru clicked her fingers.

"Like an ice queen!" She spoke in an excited voice while the others sweat dropped. "Um Hagakure, Trafalgar doesn't have an ice quirk, that title would probably go to Todoroki for him being the ice prince or king." Kirishima rubbed the back of his head.

"Oh, that's true, but for some reason I feel like her and Mina would be enemies to start with." Denki looked confused as he spoke, "I don't get why would they be enemies, from that it looks like they get along well." He pointed to Mina, who was smiling at you, as you nodded.

"Shut up."

"I can kinda see where you're coming from. Ashido would be the sun who shines when everyone is there to see it, while Trafalgar would be the moon who only shines the brightest when no one's there to see it." Sero spoke, making Denki even more confused.

"But they both shine when people are watching." Toru sighed at his confusion. "This is a hypothetical situation Kaminari, while we took some things from reality, we have twisted it to make it hypothetical and a fantasy."

"Oh, so that's what you meant, I was kinda confused for a little, but now I understand." Kirishima said. It as if Kaminari had hit Toru, lightning hit her and an idea popped into her head.

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