11: Battles

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Re-written on 12/05/24 (Not edited yet :3)

Having slept through dinner, you rushed a shower, ate breakfast, gave Bepo a kiss and waved goodbye to Corazón. The second day of high school would be starting, but not just any high school. UA high. A school that has produced the best heroes of Japan and even the whole world. Very little people make it into the hero course, but of course you made it. Years of hard work and struggling, you finally reached a small section of your goal.

With the new day beginning, the black face mask was pulled over your mouth and your white earphones playing sweet melodies into your ears. As you stepped onto the train cart, your eyes went towards the orange haired girl from the other day. Once more did you stand in front of her. Having noticed this, the girl looked up and smiled at you. You gave a somewhat awkward nod back. Did you know her from somewhere?

Fixing the hat on your head, you ignored your question and focused your attention back on the random article that Google had recommended you.

Ten things to make you SUPER!! Top ten make-up tricks and hacks!

You saved the article for later.

The train pulled into the station as many of the UA students got off and began the walk-up to the school. It was a wake-up walk in your mind, a little morning physical exercise before exercising your brain.

By the time you made it to class, the majority of the class was already in the classroom. You slipped by the students chatting to get to your seat in the back of the classroom. Placing your bag on the hook on the desk, you put your headphones in your bag. Your black face mask was taken off when you got out of the train.

Sinking into the wooden chair, you noticed that your seatmates have yet to arrive. So here you were sitting alone in the back of the class. It didn't actually affect you that much, so you were actually ok with it.

Soon the class was in action, both your seatmates sat beside you as you listened to Present Mic talk about English questions. He yelled at your class to look more alive while asking some basic English questions in the morning. The UA curriculum has normal school activities, English, maths, Japanese literacy, science (chem, bio, psychics), history. Depending on the course that you're taking, you'd have a subject that fits with that course, but overall each course takes the main subjects.

'The fourth sentence is wrong' You thought as you wrote down the correct answer in your notebook.

Letting out a sigh, this was such a boring class.

After writing down scrambled sentences for work to do, Present Mic left the class to go to his next class. Soon came in the maths teacher and that was a boring class. Simply algebraic equations, then onto calculus classes, and then you were given a handout to what is on during the school year for maths. No school trips but lots and lots of exams, help us.

It was then interval, so the majority of people went to the canteen are for lunch and got a small side dish of food. Then science happened, this term you were focusing on biology and chemistry. Well, you were a science nerd deep down, so science you should pass with barely any effort. Then it was home room, a briefing from Aizawa about your next class after lunch, Hero training.

Lunch came, and you got yourself some miso soup and ate at a table with completely strangers. And now. Heroics class.

"I AM HERE! Coming through the door like a normal person." All Might spoke as he struck a pose, opening the door. Wow, so normal and not flamboyant.

A sigh left your mouth, something tells you this class is gonna be weird. Well, it is All Might after all.

Whispers were spreading though the class like forest fires, awe dripped out of every student in the class. All Might was standing right in front of them in the flesh. And he was flexing?

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