33: TTT

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"Izuku-ya, where are we going?" You asked, he had his smaller hand wrapped around your bigger one, he dragged you along, he started to speed up his walking until it turned into a full-blown sprint. 

Having no choice but to follow due to the tight grip he had on your hand, you sprinted with him, you didn't know how long the two of you had been running, but it was slowly starting to wear you down, your stamina was cutting short, and you heaved in heavy and lengthy breathes. The hot sun was nothing but a bother, as its hot rays blazed on Izuku and you, sweat was forming on both your faces and your light orange shirt, now had damp, dark splotches on it.

"Izuku-ya, let me go if you aren't goin-" Your words were cut short when your body collied with Izuku's back, you began to fall to the floor, but was stopped when Izuku's other hand grabbed you and stopped your fall. He smiled sheepishly at you as he pulled you back up. Though while he apologised, you couldn't help but wonder why he didn't fall over as well, and how his grip was strong enough to pull you up.

'Was he always that strong?' You frowned while looking at his body's physique, he had gotten more sturdy, and you noticed how his uniform fitted his shoulders a little more. He had grown a little taller, the top of his head was now just a little under your noes.

Something didn't feel right, but you had no time to ponder on that when he started to drag you again, you now realised you were at the local mall, which would normally be packed to the brim with customers and pro heroes with their sidekick's at their sides, but it wasn't, it was only you and Izuku, you could feel more presences, but something stopped you from recognising them.

"Sorry for dragging you again, It's just that you wouldn't come if I just asked you to." Izuku mumbled while blushing a little. Looking down at the boy, you sighed but nodded your head to say you understood.

"What exactly did you want me here for anyway?" Looking at the mall, you could  see some peering eyes around, you felt the hairs on your arms raise, and you got goosebumps. "I don't think it's entirely safe her-" Once again, you were cut off, but this time not from knocking into someone.


Your eyes widened with shock as streamers fell from the celling of the building, party poppers went off, and a party hat was placed on your head, the whole of class A and B as well as Shinso had popped out of nowhere or had fallen to the floor you were on.

"Huh?" Your friends laughed at you as if you had said something funny, Kyoka and Momo smiled and tried their best to stifle their laughter.

"Aww, Y/n you're so cute when you're confused!" Denki cooed at you as he tried to place his arm around your shoulder, but before he could, someone harshly pulled him away from you by his collar, "Shut it dunce face, she looks stupid like always." You looked at Bakugou who had grabbed Denki with his usual scowl on his face.

"Why does our class have to be in the same area as this filth." Monoma pranced his way over to you with a scowl on his face, if you looked closely you could see a slight similarity of him and Bakugou.

"I think it's great, I can talk with my pal, Kirishima" Tetsu walked over to the red-head as they did a handshake or something like that.

"Monoma, I swear if you do anything on her big day, I will kill you myself." Kendo said with a menacing aura surrounding her and Monoma dropped his scowl and went back to Kendo who sent you a kind smile.

'My big day? My birthday's already been?' You were brought out of your thoughts when Ochako came up to you with Tsu beside her. "Aren't you excited Y/n, we managed to get everyone here for your big day, even Bakugou and Todoroki came." She pointed to the two toned boy.

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