27: Dates in battle

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To say Izuku was confused would be an understatement, he was beyond confused, his mentor who he had known for more than a year was talking to a girl in his class which he had known for a couple of weeks, oh and his mentor was the number one hero but he was in his other form and not his hero form.


The two taller people in the room looked at the boy who's colour had drained from his face, his eyes were wide, nearly popping out of their eye sockets. 

"Young Midoriya calm down, Y/n over here already knows, I'll explain to you if you calm down." Yagi shook the young boys shoulders trying to calm him down while the you watched in amusement.

It took a few minutes for the green-haired boy to calm down, but in the end Yagi was able to calm him down though he was takin not so subtle glances at you.

Yagi cleared his throat and began the expiation while Recovery girl went somewhere else. "The reason behind how Y/n knows about my secret is that I've known her since she was younger and um we-" You cut off Yagi and began to explain it. Izuku looked towards you in shock that you cut the number one hero off.

"What he means is that I have known him since I was seven, when he first got his injury he didn't tell me until he had to, I was eleven then, when I was thirteen I knew something was up and that's basically how I know about One for all. I knew you were the next holder of One for all on the second or third day of school." You watched how his face morphed into slightly less confusion and then panic.

"Huh, how did you know I was the next user, I thought I hid it well." Izuku muttered to which you had an irk mark form on you head.

"No. One of the main reasons behind me telling you that I know now, is because you both suck and keeping it a secret." The two froze at your blunt words 'Were we really that bad.'

"Yes."  The two frowned and looked down at the ground, Izuku looked back up and looked at you.

"Can I ask a question?" You nodded and so he continued "If you knew about me having One for all why didn't you say anything before until now?" Yagi shifted on his spot a little.

"When Yagi-ya told me about One for all and how you could pass it down, he told me he was looking for a successor, I told him I would help his successor take down All for one but I didn't want the successor to know about me until someone else found out, but the way you two are going about it, the whole world would know if I didn't help" Izuku had many questions.

'I haven't told him about All for one Y/n' Yagi looked at the two students who were conversing.

'All for one? what is that?' Izuku looked at the taller girl who turned to look towards All might.

"Ya know, Todoroki-ya already found a connection between the two of you and he's not the smartest person either." You reached into your pocket and fished out your phone, you turned towards Izuku and handed him your phone.

"Call me, send me a text or talk to me if you have any questions." Izuku took the phone out of her hands, his face flushed red 'Another girls number, calm down.' you then turned to Yagi while Izuku was placing his number in your phone and placing your number in his.

"Before I forget, you were talking about it before I interrupted. Was it the people who had inherited One for all who did it, moved Izuku-ya's  fingertips." You looked at Yagi who had sweat rolling down his face.

"Scary... What the heck?" Izuku looked at the older male in shock "What? I thought you'd know about it." You sighed at looked at the older male "So you've had this quirk and you've never had this before." You took your phone back from Izuku.

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