Keep Going

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Hey kid, don't let the world make you frown, i know it did, don't wear that smile upside-down.

Keep going, because inside,

You're still growing, don't hide,

because the demons tell you so,

it's tough i know, but all we

can do is grow.

What? The world told you to lose?

But, i thought we were able to choose?

Choose what we wanted in life,

you didn't choose to suffer, am i right?

So pull yourself from the gutter,

kid, this is your story now,

so how will you tell it?

Filled with misery and hate,

or with strength and know-how?

You're in a hospital, and

see no way out, you're just

waiting for the right signal,

whilst inside, you wish to shout,

you're just a kid, you wish to hide,

yet you're still good, one day you'll be home, that i know, as i was in your shoes once, but now i see the sun.

I had to fight in a battle,

to choose to live or die,

did i win the battle?

I'm still giving this fight,

a damn good try.

Keep going, you too,

will battle through this thing called life,

and keep on growing, even if the fights new, you'll soon realise, you're doing it right.

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