Blood And Glory

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March on through the fields, speak of how brave the men are, see how strong the hope builds, take your men with you out far, and face your demons, why're you fighting? What're the reasons? Can you keep on winning.

This land is one filled with hope, a history full of blood and glory, can these men cope, and live on to tell their story.

Gunshots are fired, everyone around feels inspired, they can keep on going, without no fear of dying, the feeling of hope is around them, this is where the boys turn into men.

A cry is heard, cheers are louder, they've gotten rid of the herd, someone out there's become their Lauder, they're victorious, the scenes around them are absolutely glorious.

Upon returning home, they're greeted by crowds of people, some of the people are their own, as they march down the steep hill, they're champions, all around them there is a positive ambience.

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