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Dreams escape me, set themselves free, my ideas let loose, I'm not sure of the path that I should choose.

Should I fly? To an island far away, before everything begins to die, and I no longer have the words to say, how I feel, before everything becomes too real, and the night turns dark, and the fire burns out that spark.

I want to become reinvented, cleanse my soul that's being tormented, choose a brand new path, leave my very own footpath, behind me, so my shadow can follow me, and tell me where to go, tell me all that I should know, so that I'm not alone, in a world that's so cold.

I can't think too much, about my past, as it hurts so much, and the pain always seems to last, I need to be strong, try and keep myself away from the wrong, which follows me everyday in life, if only it could cease it's strife, maybe then, I'd feel alright.

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