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Ten years have passed, since I last saw you last, at the local fair, we were having a competition involving some dares, when you told me to beware, of what was around me, I have to say I was rather scared, and just thought you was having a joke with me.

But the look on your face was serious, so I started to act suspicious, I wasn't sure why you would warn me, down by the fair, what could possibly be coming for me? By now I was feeling scared, then suddenly it happened, the noise around me was deafening, I just couldn't imagine, that you'd just do this to me, I thought I could trust you, instead I was just a fool.

A few years down the line, and I'm still recovering, slowly but surely, I'm improving, the beating you and your friends gave me, has forever shaken me, I can never return to the fair, in fear of being attacked once more there, life isn't fair, why did you have to betray me there? A few weeks later and I escaped, and got the hell out of this place, if that was supposed to be called home.. Then what a big mistake, I made.. When I was at that place, for now.. I'm happy here, all alone, with no fear.

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