Red Balloon

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A whisper in the wind, a rattling of the bins, leaves moving gently along the ground, nobody make a sound, or you'll disturb the thing underneath the drains, that's waiting to be unleashed from its chains.

Kids run around the streets, without a fear, enjoying their days of peace, they begin to move near, to the red balloon, that they spot nearby, that continues to fly, as the colour of the moon, suddenly turns darker, and whispers from the drain suddenly become louder.

As one kid draws nearer to the drain, fear suddenly fills the air, as she suddenly spots a bloodstain, and a lump of hair, beside her feet, she hears the faintest of noise, say "trick or treat" , and spots her favourite toys, she lets out a scream, begins to pray that she's only in a dream.

A face is slightly visible, with the look of something evil, suddenly IT smiles, the rest of the kids begin to run for miles, leaving the poor girl alone, to face her fears, no chance of running home, her face filled with tears, rain suddenly pours down, blood covers the pavement, without a sound, just a red balloon floating around, with the town of Derry suddenly now vacant, and all that's left, is the little girls anorak, the little girl that will never come back, and the bloody mess, that's left behind, for another kid to come walking by and find.

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