The Event

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Led into a beginning full of promise, and yet you end up looking to run into someone's arms for a moment of solace, when the world looks like it's caving in, and you can't feel a single thing, not even the needle that's stabbing you, trying to slide it's way through, you watch the news, you hear what the world's going through, some kind of devastation, effecting every nation, destroying the very foundation, of what your life depends on, you search around for food, you're sinking into a darker mood, you can't find a light, to be your guide, to find the way, for you to escape, you've lost your family, your everything, you're now out there alone, without a home, looking for scraps, searching for maps, looking for the stars, to lead you afar, but everything's just dark, and all that's left is the scars, of your world imprinted onto you, as if you're caged in a zoo, and you're the endangered animal, who's slowly turning into a cannibal, so the people who stare and point, may well soon lose all their limbs and joints, if they torment you any longer, as you need to feed your ongoing hunger, you wonder if anything will ever be better, if the world will ever recover, if you'll ever get through this stormy weather, and whether you'd ever unite together, or just continue to destroy this beautiful world, just because you thought you had a story that needed to be told, as you formed a psychotic dreamworld, in the depths of your mind, that you thought needed to be sold, and you didn't care if you stepped outta' line, so you went ahead and caused damage, without no limits, leaving the rest of the civilisation to manage, the mess that piled-up in minutes, as you went your own way, without nothing else left to say, you sat back and watched the world burn, whilst everybody else panicked, and had a look of concern, as their whole world slowly began to vanish, it was gone, and come tomorrow, there would be no dawn, but only sorrow, and a world so empty, and so hollow, nothing left in this world that could tempt me, just one big mess, with little success, there is no longer life, and something about that, just isn't quite right.

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