Hand On Heart

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Life is full of wonderful things, some days i feel like i can sing, at night, i look up to the night sky, and thank everyone,who've supported me, throughout everything that i've done, and have let me believe, that i can achieve, all my hope and dreams, throughout my life, i've had you supporting me, by my side, opening my eyes, and stitching up the seams, in my broken skin, and making me feel like a new patched-up kid, again, and continuing to be my friend.

Hand on heart, i've needed you from the start, you've given me the strength to keep on battling, even when the pain begins to kick in, you give me the courage, to get through this, i may have my flaws and my demons, but i'm still gonna carry on providing a song for all seasons, until the day that we stop dreaming, and don't wake-up to a new morning, and the end of our lives has come calling, and our whole story starts ending, and just before, our last words are spoken, i will remember you all, forever more, and believe me all, that is the score, and not once, will we be broken.

Oh hunni, this life's taught me a few things, that we can't depend on the days that are sunny, we must accept what life brings, me and you together can only mean one thing, that heaven and hell are the only things we see, whilst we try to find a safer passage through this rocky sea, i feel sick inside, why must we always lie? When deep inside, i know that all you wanna do is cry.

But moving on, this is my song, i'm in my own one man marching band, making sure everything's new in my future plans, i don't need a soul to connect with mine, deep down i know everything's gonna be fine, my smile grows wide, i'm stronger than ever, and everything that has happened, has been for the better, even more so than i could've imagined.

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