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Another day, that's turned grey, why does it always have to be this way? We shouldn't have to live in a world of fear, we shouldn't have to release another tear, they were celebrating their national day, and someone decided to slay, for something they believe in, committing sin, committing an act of evil, killing thousands of innocent people, I want the world to stand together, battle through this stormy weather, unite forever, wherever, people may be, even those that dream that they are free, dreams and hopes were sadly dashed, their land trashed, children's futures cruelly decided, a fuel for revenge no doubt ignited, but we can't lower to their level, and bow down to the devil, we may feel as if evil is slowly taking over, as everyday we're slowly looking over our shoulder, but we must remember that this world is mostly good, and that people come together in their neighbourhood, we're all mostly friendly, not everyone's thoughts are deadly, we are a community, that can be seen beautifully, we help each other, we help each others sister, brother, mother and father, we don't hate, we're just sick of having to calculate, how many people have been cruelly taken away, this barbaric and evil way, let the La Marseillaise ring out France, let it echo, take a chance, and make the noise bellow, and let these people know that France and the world won't bow down, even if tonight the city of Nice, feels like a ghost town, just believe and pray, that one day this world will once again live in peace, and that things will once again be okay.

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