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He wears his skin like a see through dress, revealing all his scars and a-lot of mess, he tries to cope through it all, but instead he continues to fall, blaming everyone around him, as the lights begin to dim, never accepting responsibility, for his never ending fragility.

He's broken, ripped to shreds, he hasn't awoken, from his dreams that have left him in a mess, no family around him, each day looks grim, even friends are avoided, everything's been disjointed.

He can't pick himself up, stuck in a rut, no job to get by, once a night he'll just lay there and cry, his kids are ashamed, he looks in the mirror and feels drained, he wants to be happy, instead he's just angry, one day he feels he will recover, then maybe discover, something brand new, that'll help him pull through.

A new year arrives, he finally feels revived, his family are back with him, the lights are no longer dim, he has a brand new job, his life's suddenly nonstop, he can smile again, doesn't feel anymore pain, he has friends to pick him up, when things get down, he's now all grownup, no longer wears a frown, no longer broken, all of a sudden his life feels golden.

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