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Three... Two... One...

Deidara: "Aoi!!!" 

To explain why Deidara is yelling, I made a mess in his room before our mission together. I froze all of his clay and stole his eye device thingy. I was bored and everyone kept ignoring me, so I decided to pick a fight with Deidara as he is the easiest target and I have a mission with him in a bit.

Funny was that even though he was angry at me, he had nothing to attack me with. When he was done defrosting his clay a few hours later we departed. Our mission this time was to infiltrate a castle rescue some guy and then blow it all to pieces.

The rescue was successful, however, Deidara activated his clay explosives before Sasori and I could even escape. He was maniacally laughing and blabbering something about revenge while flying in a safe distance on a clay bird.

Aoi: "What do you think you're doing?! Did I freeze your brain too?" I was barking at him from the ground, covered in ashes.

Deidara: "Shut the hell up and explode you mutt!" He threw an explosive at me, which I reflected back at him with my tail before he could detonate it and then I formed my ice wings and relished his surprised face when he found out I can fly. I flew towards him, evading his bombs on the way and when I got to him, I bit his clay bird and tore it in half. Clay tastes awful by the way.

Sasori: "Can you two kill each other after the mission?"

Aoi and Deidara: "No!!"

We looked at each other.

Aoi and Deidara: "Don't copy me!"

Aoi and Deidara: "Hey!"

We were bickering even after Deidara remodelled the bird to save himself from falling and descended to where Sasori was. But Sasori had enough of us and restrained us both with his puppets. Then he came closer and threatened us in a deep voice.

Sasori: "Shut up, or I'll leave you here both to die from my poison"

Aoi and Deidara: 🤐

The whole way back we were all deadly silent. Sasori had his poisoned tail out and if someone was to even breathe too loudly they'd get it. Deidara and I were staring daggers at each other behind Sasori's back.

When we came back, Sasori hurried into his room and locked himself up. Deidara then looked at me and smirked.

Deidara: "One day you'll taste my art"

Aoi: "Yeah, sure"

I walked away, not paying attention to the hothead.

I heard the door to Kisame's room open as I walked by and then felt something tugging on my tail. I turned around and it was Kisame. This time around I was not the one picking the fight.

Kisame: "You're awfully good at making enemies and angering everyone"

Aoi: "I know, thanks for the compliment, don't ever touch my tail again, I'll kill you"

He smiled and continued to follow me and after a few minutes...

He tugged on my tail again and so I attacked him. We fought for half an hour and it was very bloody. He has chunks of his flesh ripped out and eaten by me. While I had deep gashes (thanks for pointing out that I had games here, I seriously hate autocorrect on phone) from Samehada all over me. I was on the losing side because he kept absorbing my chakra, which made him stronger.

I got pissed and unleashed an enormous amount of chakra. So big that even he wouldn't be able to consume it. It made the air in the room freezing and I grew in size. When I was charged up I started creating a bijuu bomb. Only then did Kisame lose his stupid shark grin and appeared nervous. I smiled at him and said goodbye.

The explosion didn't happen, however. It was stopped by Pein, who just happened to return with Konan, Zetsu, Kakuzu and Itachi. Pein was deadly mad. He glanced at Itachi, who understood Pein's command and put me under a Genjutsu, while Kakuzu restrained Kisame with chains.

When I woke up a day later, I was back to my weak puppy form and I found myself laying on Itachi's lap.

Aoi: "Uh Itachi, care to explain why I'm a lap dog?"

Itachi: "The cursed seal in your bloodstream activated when you were unconscious"

Aoi: "Seriously... That means Sasuke came back from his mission and Orochimaru found out that I'm missing"

Itachi: "Sasuke helped you escape?"

Aoi: "Of course, I had no way of getting out by myself, I underestimated Orochimaru"

Itachi stayed silent, he just looked at me like 'you should have gone with us in the first place'

I couldn't do much so I just fell asleep again. Itachi's comfy.

A few hours later I woke up because I heard someone laughing and snickering.

When I opened my eyes I saw Deidara and Hidan taking pictures of me. The audacity...

Aoi: "Stop it!"

When I barked out with my child's voice they fell to the floor, dying from laughter. I jumped down from the sofa and bit Hidan's hand. He laughed even more and screamed about how much it hurts and begged me to stop. Deidara then grabbed me and scratched me behind my ear, which caused my leg to move from delight. They burst out laughing again and Deidara dropped me.

They made fun of me the whole afternoon without getting tired of it and Kisame even joined them. I looked at Itachi with puppy eyes to help me but he didn't spare me a single glance. Is he more of a cat person?

When it was already too much I actually had tears form in my eyes, only then did Itachi get up but before he could do anything we all heard a very special door open.

Deidara, Hidan and Kisame stopped laughing as Pein walked out of his office and into the living room. He slowly made his way down the stairs, making the atmosphere tense. When he got down he walked to me and grabbed me by neck fur.

Pein: "You'll have to die to get rid of the cursed seal"

Aoi: "Excuse me?"

Pein: "We'll drain you of all your blood and suppress your healing powers, once you die, I'll resurrect you with The King of Hell"

Aoi: "How much are you sure it's going to wo-"

I was hit with something and lost consciousness. He proceeded with his idea even if I wasn't going to agree. I felt immense pain for a really long time yet I couldn't wake up no matter how hard I tried and then... I died.

I was once again sitting in a pastel pink room with a fluffy floor that I was in, the last time I died. I laid down, waiting for Pein to bring me back to life. When nothing happened for a few minutes I started to be nervous. 

I waited... and waited... and waited...

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