My name is Aoi dattebayo!

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I was thinking of posting quick sketches of our little wolf along with the chapters, if anyone's against it, or wants something else, tell me. ♥

Also, I'm publishing three chapters at once because I might not be able to write during the week and I just had a writer BOOM

It's 1:30 am :(

I'm an insomniac.

Last edited: 9.8.2023


Oh my god...! It's Naruto! Right in front of me! The golden ray of sunshine!

He almost dropped me as my sleepy self stretched out all four paws. But then my eyes landed on his and I felt this tingle in my chest...this, this sense of knowing I am where I should be. He is my human and I will protect him with my life. I licked his face from excitement and soon after, wiggled out of his clumsy embrace. I jumped around him and onto him, unable to contain my happiness.

Third: "Oh my, he seems to like you already"

He? Wait, what? Did I miss the fact that I'm a boy? I lowered my head between my front legs. Yep... I'm a boy. Well before I'm a boy, I'm a wolf so it doesn't really matter. This is an entirely new life and a new world, being a make is the least of my problems.

Naruto: "He's silly, hehe"

After I calmed down a bit and didn't jump around, Naruto started petting me. Well, it was more of an awkward gentle touching of my back and head rather than genuine petting, but it'll do for now. I melted into his cautious touch and pressed my fluffy head against his hand.

Third: "What will be his name?"

Yeah, I'm wondering about that as well. Oh god,... don't you dare...

Naruto: "Hmm... What about... Ramen! Ramen!"

I tilted my head and frowned. Ugh, I definitely don't want that as my name. Come on, just because your parents named you after a fishcake, doesn't mean I have to be named after the whole meal containing said fishcake...please...

Third: "How about something else, I don't think he would want to be called that, he's looking at you weirdly"

Naruto: "Then how about Aoi? He has blue eyes after all."

Unoriginal but nice I guess. I wagged my tail as a sign of approval. We were going to have so much fun from now on. We are going to pull all the pranks and I'll protect him from those nasty villagers who abuse him!

Third: "Very nice name, well then I'll be on my way"

After the Hokage left, it was silent. I was staring at Naruto and he was staring at me, neither of us knowing what to do. After a few minutes, he flinched and broke the eye contact by getting up from his seat at the kitchen table and going into the kitchen corner. I followed after him and saw him pouring water into a bowl. Then he put it on the ground and looked at me a bit nervously, but still smiling. I walked up to the bowl and gave it a quick sniff. Who would have thought that water actually has a scent? I lapped it all up in a hurry, the terror I experienced now catching up to me. The scene of Orochimaru approaching me with that syringe, containing a neon definitely not good liquid, while I'm chained to the metal table, unable to escape, will haunt me forever.

My body started trembling and Naruto picked up on it, immediately hugging me while saying million comfort words that he must have said to himself many times over his lonely childhood. I licked his face again, as I suddenly felt like he needed more comforting than I did. He hugged me even tighter and said a quiet thank you. After he had let go of me to make himself something to eat, my puppy instincts took over me and I seized a white sock that was hanging from an open drawer. I hopped around the room swinging and showing off the sock, before settling down under the table and chewing on it until Naruto finished his meal.

Exhaustion filled my body like warm water fills up a bathtub, but before I could even lay down, Naruto picked me up and went into the bathroom. There I saw the reason for my bathtub comparison and to my displeasure, we took a bath. Since he didn't have any dog food yet, Naruto gave me a bowl of milk, which I slammed the edge of, making it flip and splash its contents all over the floor. After mopping the floor and getting me to stop barking at the carton of milk, he gave me lukewarm ramen instead, with lots of ham. Should have seen it coming. Still better than the milk. I gulped it down nevertheless. It was actually pretty good, especially the ham.

After that, we finally went to sleep. I laid down on the floor next to Naruto's bed but was soon lifted into the air and thrown onto the bed next to Naruto, who then fell asleep in an instant and I after him.

The next day, I woke up to the sound of Naruto screaming about being late to the academy. After yawning and stretching, I got up only to be suddenly grabbed by Naruto. He put a white ribbon around my neck and tied it into a cute bow at the front. Then he looked at the clock and screamed. I flinched a bit, it was damn too loud for my enhanced senses and barked at him. Then we rushed off to the academy. We still arrived late and Naruto was scolded by Iruka, which was normal even if he didn't come late. From what I could see, Naruto is around eleven years old, which means he'll graduate in a a year and few months.

After Naruto's scolding, we went to sit down. He was sitting next to Sakura, who sat next to Sasuke. Only now did everyone realize that Naruto had a small wolf following him.

First to notice were Kiba and Akamaru, who were inseparable. Akamaru leaned over to me and sniffed me. He sneezed and climbed inside Kiba's hoodie. "Whoa Naruto, when did you get a ninken?"

Everyone started whispering and looking at Naruto and me. I hid behind Naruto, not liking the number of gazes there were on me. It was like high school back on earth all over again.

Naruto: "I got him from the Third Hokage! Jealous?"

Kiba: "As if! Akamaru is much stronger!"

Iruka: "Quiet you both! Naruto is it really yours?"

Naruto: "Yes, Iruka-sensei"

After that, the lesson started. I kept getting glances from all the students. Mostly the girls, whispering how adorable I was. Hehehe, I could get used to that. I laid down on the bench and slept till the end of the theoretical classes. Then everyone moved outside to practice with shurikens. Naruto wasn't very good at it. He would miss a few and when he did, I would run to get them and bring them back. He would praise me and I would wag my tail. The girls squealed once again at my cuteness.

Sasuke was fully focused on shuriken practice. He didn't spare a single glance for his fangirls nor for the new class pet that is me. It was very obvious that he has only his goal of killing Itachi on his mind. It hasn't left his mind, ever since that day. I walked up to him which finally earned me a bit of his attention. He stopped throwing shurikens and looked down at me.

"What do you want mutt?"

I growled at him for calling me a mutt. Then I grabbed his weapon pouch and ran off.

"Hey! Give that back you mutt!" he shouted as he ran after me. He was chasing me around the training grounds infinitely as I was a tad bit faster than him.

This made Naruto, Kiba, and Choji laugh. On the other hand, the fangirls were pissed. They started yelling at Naruto for not making me stop. Sakura was about to hit him when I dropped the pouch and jumped in front of Naruto growling at Sakura. It scared her so much she decided to leave Naruto alone. It also scared quite a few of the other fangirls.

Naruto praised me for teaching the duckbutt a lesson by petting my head. Everyone went back to doing their training after that, for a few more hours. They also sparred with each other. Naruto challenging Sasuke once again and losing.

When academy hours ended, everyone dispersed and we went to get ramen from the Ichiraku stall. I didn't want to eat ramen again though so I walked off on my own. Naruto gave me a pat and told me to be careful and go straight home when I'm done. As I was leaving I heard Teuchi comment on him talking to me like to a human and not an animal.

Naruto: "Aoi may be a wolf but before that, he's my first friend and a family"

Ugh, my heart received critical damage. The good kind though as it felt heartwarming to hear him acknowledge me to that extent. My tail uncontrollably wagged as I made my way through the busy streets.

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