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I woke up in a dark room. It took me a minute before I realised where I actually was and what happened. Kabuto carried me to Orochimaru's hideout after the seal in my body took effect for the first time and made me almost powerless and small.

I stretched and looked around. It was completely empty except a bowl with water and the room was small as well. I studied the walls and they seem to be made out of steel. There's a ventilation shaft on the ceiling in each corner. The door has a steel frame and thick glass window almost from the top to the bottom of the door. It Lets me get a pretty good view outside, probably on purpose.

Oh right, I wonder if Sasuke will be here. I should have noticed sooner but I'm back to my original self, meaning I can screw with them a little. I breathe in deeply and roar till the ground starts to shake. I heard footsteps and pretended to sleep. They opened the door and walked in, I slightly opened an eye to see who it was and it was just some random guy. I got up and bit off his head before he could scream, then I walked out. Long, dim-lit hallways, just as always. 

I cautiously walked, alerted by every single sound no matter how small. I keep my body and head low, trying to be as quiet as a wolf on a hunt, though I never had the chance to learn from my mom, it feels natural. I passed many chambers filled to the brim with vials of blood, jars of many sizes with organs, body parts, and even whole beings in them. Then the scenery changed and there were blue lanterns instead of orange torches. This area was for the imprisoned experiments and monsters that Orochimaru and Kabuto created. After some time I arrived in a hall with red pillars and a wooden floor. 

While looking around I forgot to mind my surroundings and noticed too late that someone was behind me.

Sasuke: "Aoi? What are you doing here?" 

Oh shoot! He's already here. For how long did I sleep? Is he with Orochimaru?! I started looking around in panic to see, if Orochimaru was around. Fortunately, he wasn't.

Sasuke: "Hey, what's wrong?"

I looked at him and was about to reveal that I can speak and have him help me escape, however I got interrupted by two pairs of footsteps. I quickly changed to a puppy size and looked at Sasuke. He got my clue and picked me up, quickly hiding me in his robe. I could have run away but my claws would make noise and the room was too big for me to sneak out of it quietly before they got there.

Orochimaru: "Hello, Sasuke-kun" Ew, it's the creep.

Sasuke: "What do you want?"

Kabuto: "Mind your manners before Orochimaru-sama, Sasuke-kun"

Sasuke: "Or what?" Sasuke glared at Kabuto with his Sharingan activated.

Kabuto took a step back and Orochicreep chuckled with a cough mixed in. Serves him right.

Orochimaru: "Now now, Sasuke-kun, you wouldn't happen to have seen Aoi around, trying to escape, would you?"

Sasuke was surely surprised, but he didn't let it show, to not give anything away.

Sasuke: "Why should I care about that mutt?"

Kabuto: "Because he was supposed to be your training partner and if he escaped, he could be captured by your brother"

Orochimaru: "Who knows what they would do to Aoi... Perhaps control him using Sharingan or... just kill him"

Orochimaru's words twisted around Sasuke's mind like a snake. He used me to trap him into handing me over. He was clearly aware of my location and I could feel his eyes on me, even through Sasuke's clothes. Sasuke frowned and then smiled.


Sasuke: "Like you don't want to do the same" 

He reached with his hand into his robe and pulled me out by the skin on the back of my neck. Traitor... but I can't really resent him, there is no escaping the hideout, unless I actually get out. Outside I should be able to call Itachi for help. It won't be much of a rescue, since they are after me as well, but it's better than nothing. With them, I would have at least a chance to escape. If only I didn't have the damn cursed seal.

Sasuke put his hand out with me in it, towards the two. Kabuto was about to grab me, however the hand that touched me first wasn't his. I instinctively felt the need to defend myself, so I grew bigger and crushed Orochimaru with my weight. All I got from him was a small grunt though.

I turned to Kabuto, who was shocked and worried for his master. When he was about to run towards us, I slashed him with my claws, he got knocked over and so, I stood up and went to torture him some more. 

In the meantime, Sasuke just left and headed to his room. 

As I neared Kabuto I heard Orochimaru get up. I turned around and froze, he had a seal-like tattoo on the palm of his right hand. Somehow, I knew it was connected to the liquid seal I had in me. The tattoo started glowing red as he activated it and I lost all my strength. He limited my chakra level to the minimum, barely enough to keep me alive.

Orochimaru: "Take Aoi to the furnace, for 30 hours" 

Just the word furnace was enough to send shivers down my spine.

Kabuto: "Yes, Orochimaru-sama"

Kabuto called for some servants and they dragged me away, with Kabuto following behind them. He had a wide psychotic smile on his face, which was enough to make me be scared for my life.

Now at first when he said furnace, I didn't except an actual furnace, but I was so wrong. They dragged me into a room that was out of black concrete. The floor was out of glass and below it were giant metal spirals with the ceilling. The side with the door was out of a very thick layer of concrete with some sort of insulation material.

I was thrown into the center and before I could even get up, they shut the door and last thing I saw was Kabuto waving at me from the other side, with a big, delighted smile. I roared out of fear, anger and desperation aa the temperature in the room slowly but surely started to rise.


I apologize for being away for so long, but I'm back! And that's all that matters! This lovely story will continue.

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