The beginning of the peaceful era

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The sun hung high in the azure sky over the village of Konoha, casting its warm, golden glow upon the streets and rooftops. In one corner of the village, a cheerful scene unfolded. Young Boruto Uzumaki, full of boundless energy, raced through the courtyard of his home, his laughter ringing out like a melodious bell.

Aoi, the remarkable wolf who had become a dear friend and guardian to Boruto, watched the boy with bright, azure and sapphire eyes. His thick, blueish-black fur rustled gently in the breeze as he sat with his tail curled around him, a contented smile on his lupine face.

The little boy's eyes sparkled with excitement as he chased after a colourful butterfly, his small feet pattering across the well-tended grass. His father, Naruto, watched the scene from a distance, a warm smile playing on his face. He was glad that his son had such a unique and loving companion in Aoi.

"Come on, Aoi!" Boruto called out with glee, extending his small arms as he ran. "Let's catch that butterfly together!"

Aoi, understanding the young boy's playful invitation, leapt to his paws with grace. With one powerful bound, he was beside Boruto, his large frame dwarfing the little Uzumaki. His wings rustled with excitement, the ends of the feathers turning a fiery red.

With a friendly growl, Aoi responded, "Of course, Boruto! Let's catch that butterfly together."

With practised coordination, Aoi and Boruto embarked on their butterfly-catching adventure. The wolf playfully nipped at the fluttering insect, guiding it gently towards the outstretched hand of the young boy. The butterfly landed on Boruto's palm, its delicate wings fanning open to reveal a breathtaking pattern of colours.

Boruto's eyes widened in awe as he marvelled at the creature. "Wow, Aoi! We caught it!" he exclaimed, his grin reaching from ear to ear.

Aoi's deep, rumbling chuckle resonated in the air as he nudged Boruto affectionately. His presence was a source of comfort and joy for the young Uzumaki.

They released the butterfly with gentle care, watching as it took flight once more, soaring gracefully into the open sky. Boruto's gaze followed the insect until it disappeared into the distance.

Aoi, ever watchful, let out a soft bark and nudged Boruto's hand with his head. It was an unspoken invitation to play, to continue their adventures together.

With an exuberant grin, Boruto obliged. He darted towards Aoi and patted his furry companion on the back. "Let's go on an adventure, Aoi! I want to see the secret places you know!" he exclaimed, his eyes shining with anticipation.

Aoi wagged his fluffy tail in agreement and responded, "I know just the place, Boruto. Follow me."

Before they took off excitedly, they heard Naruto yell out in a fatherly voice, "Don't go too far you two, lunch will be ready soon!"

Two sheepish smiles silently agreed to his terms and Naruto let out a sigh, smiling. He reminisced about his young years full of making trouble with his wolf friend.

The fearless Boruto and his steadfast wolf friend ran through the village. They roamed the hidden paths and secret nooks of Konoha, where Aoi's knowledge and instincts led them to discoveries that delighted and amazed the young ninja.

As the sun continued its journey across the sky, casting long shadows over the village, Boruto and Aoi forged memories that would last a lifetime. 

Boruto and Aoi had lost track of time during their playful adventure, carried away by the excitement of the day. But as they explored hidden paths, practised taijutsu and played pranks on the villagers, a nagging thought kept tugging at the back of their minds.

It was Naruto's voice echoing in their memories. He had told them that lunch would be ready soon, a promise that they had inadvertently forgotten amidst their adventure. Realizing this, they shared a brief, worried glance before hurrying back home.

With swift and purposeful strides, they retraced their steps back to their residence. The village streets that had once been their playground now became a raceway, as they rushed to make it home in time for the meal Hinata had prepared.

However, their haste was not enough to prevent the inevitable. As they stepped through the front door, they were greeted by the delicious aroma of the meal and the sight of Hinata, who wore a gentle yet reproachful expression.

Hinata, with a loving sigh, chided them gently, "You two were gone for much longer than you promised. You kept us waiting for lunch."

Boruto and Aoi exchanged sheepish glances, knowing they had been in the wrong. Aoi let out a soft, apologetic whine, while Boruto rubbed the back of his head, blushing with embarrassment. "Sorry, Mom. We lost track of time."

Hinata's expression softened, and she couldn't stay mad for long. She smiled and said, "It's alright, but next time, please try to be back on time. Your dad and I were worried about you."

With a nod and a chorus of "We will" from both Boruto and Aoi, they settled down at the table to enjoy the delicious meal Naruto had prepared. The warmth of their family, along with the understanding and love that filled their home, made the moment all the more special.

It was a lesson learned, and a reminder of the importance of time and family, in a village where cherished moments used to never be taken for granted.

Stuffing his face with the delicious rice his mom cooked for him, Boruto, proud of his wolf friend, exclaimed, "You didn't even have to worry about me, I was with Aoi, the strongest person ever!" With fiery passion, Boruto ended up standing on his chair at the end of his statement, with his spoon in hand pointing towards the ceiling.

Hinata and Naruto, who froze still, shock evident on their faces, soon broke into laughter at their son's ridiculous pose. Boruto became slightly embarrassed and sat back down, shovelling more rice into his mouth.

The meal proceeded with smiles and conversation, as Naruto, Hinata, Boruto and Himawari enjoyed the dishes that had been prepared with love. However, the situation took a humorous turn when Boruto discovered something he disliked on his plate: bell peppers. He had always had a strong aversion to them.

Not wanting to make a fuss, Boruto glanced around the table, spotting Aoi, who was lying by his side, always ready to assist. With a sly and mischievous grin, he discreetly slid the bell peppers from his plate under the table.

Aoi, ever vigilant, noticed the offering and with a wag of his tail, accepted the hidden bell peppers. His clever, heterochromatic eyes sparkled with understanding, and he enjoyed the unexpected treat.

However, Boruto's secret didn't remain hidden for long. Hinata, with her keen maternal instincts, noticed the exchange and scolded him for avoiding the healthy vegetable. "Boruto, eat the bell peppers, they are good for you"

Boruto whined at the thought of his tongue touching the foul thing, almost gagging. His disgusted expression made Naruto laugh. 

Naruto couldn't help but think of his mother, Kushina. While he had never spent time with her, she had left him with a profound legacy. Her final words, as she and Minato had sacrificed themselves to protect the village and seal the Nine-Tails inside Naruto, were etched into his heart. The one moment he had with her when he was learning to use Kyuubi's chakra, was worth a lifetime for him. He knew how much love his parents held for him, and how humble their wish was.

 "Naruto, don't be picky... Eat lots and grow strong... Make sure that you bathe every day and stay warm... Also... Don't stay up late... You need lots of sleep... And make friends... You don't need a lot of friends... Just a few... Ones you can really, really trust... Remember that everyone has strengths and weaknesses... So don't get too depressed if you can't do something well..."

Hinata, understanding the depth of Naruto's feelings, gently placed her hand on his. Their eyes met, and she gave him a supportive smile, silently acknowledging the impact of his mother's words on his life.

Naruto's gaze drifted to his children, Boruto and Himawari, and then to Aoi, who had become an integral part of their family. He knew he was living up to his mother's wishes in his own unique way, and he felt a profound sense of pride and gratitude for the love he had found in his family.

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