Preliminary matches

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Also the pic looks terrible 😂 I will redraw it when I'm back from Spain.


I heard Orochimaru chuckle and then I felt something sharp and thin stab me on the side of my neck. I let him go, but he hugged my neck tightly and didn't let go. After a few more seconds he loosened his grip and I quickly jumped away from him, stretching my neck and when I looked back at him I saw him holding an empty syringe...

Orochimaru: "You and your mother were one of my many experiments to create a man-made tailed beast, however, I didn't expect you to become one even without my help, this should help you accelerate the process" I could feel my blood starting to freeze throughout my body and my mind was getting clouded.

Naruto got really angry when he saw Orochimaru injure me and it let Kyuubi's chakra seep through. He attacked Orochimaru, but at that time I was already barely standing, paralyzed by whatever he injected me with. I could only watch.

Orochimaru was amused by how this whole meeting turned out. Not only did he get to see Sasuke with his Sharingan, but also his lost experiment that is much stronger than he ever thought it would be and then Naruto, the Nine-tailed jinchuuriki.

However, he did not have much time left to play around, so he sealed Naruto's flow of the Kyuubi chakra, which made him pass out. Then he and Sasuke fought which resulted in Sasuke being bitten and getting a Cursed seal. Orochimaru came up to me and brushed his fingers through my fur.

Orochimaru: "You will be mine, I will make you strongest beast there ever was" then he disappeared.

Sasuke screamed out in pain as Sakura held his hand trying to help him. When he passed out she started crying, not knowing what to do with all of us. Naruto was unconscious, so was Sasuke and I was paralyzed.

After calming down she found space bellow one of the giant trees. Kind of like a small cave in between the roots. She carried Naruto and Sasuke inside. Sakura wanted to carry me inside and well but I growled at her to leave me alone. I have to get over this myself.

I could feel my whole body freezing. It was cracking and blood was not flowing, yet I'm still alive. I tried manipulating the chakra in my body and then unfreezing it, getting used to whatever I absorbed. I could move again, though I felt a bit sluggish because I used up a lot of chakra to get over this. I laid down next to Naruto and Sasuke. I need to rest and regain chakra as quickly as possible. I plan on freezing this whole area, so we wouldn't have to fight the Sound trio.

A few hours later I got up and froze the tree we were under and created a thick layer all around it, so nothing can get in and out. Then I gave a bit of ice to Sakura to bring down Sasuke's fever, then she fell asleep. I stayed awake to keep watch, plus it's not like I need sleep, I'm fully rested now.

I could hear people outside, probably the Sound trio, they can't break my ice so, too bad for them.

But Sakura needs this event... dammit. I melted all of the ice and pretended not feeling well. Sakura woke up and saw them outside. She fought with them to protect us. Soon, Lee arrived and fought them as well and I knew Shikamaru, Choji and Ino were watching, hidden in the bushes. The three Genin decided to help after Sakura fought bravely and cut her hair. Then even Neji and Tenten were there but decided that there was no need to do anything because Sasuke woke up, feeling full of strength. When he saw how beaten up Sakura was and that I wasn't okay, he was angry. He broke Zaku's arms and was about to fight Dosu but Sakura stopped him and he calmed down. The Sound trio ran away after offering us their Earth scroll.

I then got up as if I wasn't dying a few minutes ago and woke Naruto up. He missed everything and was utterly confused. When everyone left, our team went to a river to catch some fish. I took a nap after eating and I quickly woke up and jumped away when I sensed Kabuto, who had his hand on Earth scroll that Naruto was holding and was about to open. Naruto and Sakura apologized to Kabuto and then Sasuke, when he came back. Kabuto proposed that we go with him to the tower and they agreed.

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