Until what?

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When Tsunade came back, there was chaos. Konohamaru was upset, Naruto was bugging her all the time about the injured people and Danzo wasn't happy about her either. The village was still being rebuilt. 

Good thing was that I got approval for the cave, so I jumped right into it. I was digging for two days and then froze the ceiling, walls and floor, so it wouldn't collapse. I made the cave big enough so even if someone was going to attack me inside, I would have a lot of space to move around just fine and I also filled the cave with soft snow for comfort and then I also froze the cave's surroundings, so no one would venture in without knowing. I made it all spiky and scary. 


Now that I was done I went to see how things are doing in the hospital. When I arrived, Tsunade was just done examining Lee. Everyone was depressed over the harsh truth she just presented in front of them. I couldn't help them, so I just quietly left and went to Sasuke's room. He immediately noticed that someone came in but calmed down when he saw it was me. I sat down next to his bed and put my head on his legs. He as petting me while lost in thoughts about Itachi. He eventually went back to sleep and I left the hospital.

I was walking aimlessly in the village and suddenly out of nowhere, Naruto jumped on my back.

Naruto: "There you are! Aoi, let's fight!"

Randomly passing by Shikamaru: "You know you'll never beat Aoi, right?"

Naruto: "But I want to fight against strong opponents so I can get better, that's why Aoi is my first choice, Aoi is the strongest in the village!"

Shikamaru: "How can Aoi be the strongest, isn't that the Hokage?"

Naruto: "Nah, I'm pretty sure Aoi is even stronger than granny Tsunade!"

Shikamaru: "Sure...Hey, by the way, when is Aoi going to start talking?"

Naruto: "Excuse me?"

Shikamaru: "All ninja dogs start talking when they get older and stronger, like Kakashi's dogs or Kiba's mom's dog"

Naruto: "Really?!"

Shikamaru: "Yeah"

Naruto: "Aoi did you know that?! You can talk!"

I'd rather not talk. I'm fine as I am, as a mute. Thank you.

Shikamaru: "Anyway I have to go now or mom will get angry at me and that's scary, try not to die fighting Aoi"

Naruto: "Bye! Alright Aoi, let's go!"

We went to a training field. I honestly don't know what to do. Should I go easy on him and just let myself be mostly attacked or go at him with the intent to kill to put him in a dangerous situation? I'll go with the first option for now.

Naruto: "Alright! Ready! Go!"

He charged at me right away. After getting closer to me he created five clones that surrounded me and threw kunai at me. I reflected them back with my tails and the clones disappeared. Meanwhile, the real Naruto got close enough and started throwing punches at me. I dodged all of them while taking steps back. Then I turned around and sent him lying with my tail, but he quickly made clones to absorb the impact. The remaining clones all attacked me and restrained my movements. The real Naruto then kicked my left front leg with the intention to throw me off balance on the ground, however, there was one problem. I did not budge at all and instead, his leg was hurting. He cursed from the pain. It probably felt like kicking a rock.

Sorry, Naruto. My body might be too strong for ya.

He got a bit angry and went with a Rasengan at me. I let him hit me, but before it connected Kakashi took Naruto's hand and stopped him.

Kakashi: "Hmm, Naruto? What do you think you're doing?"

Naruto: "Fighting Aoi?"

Kakashi: "Do you want Aoi to get hurt?"

Naruto: "No!"

Kakashi: "Then why did you use Rasengan"

Naruto: "Ah! Uhm, sorry Aoi"

Zabuza: "No way Aoi would get hurt badly by something like Rasengan"

Is it just me, or people are gathering here for no reason?

Kakashi: "But he would still get hurt and we don't need that"

Zabuza and Kakashi were staring at each other with rivalry. Zabuza was angry at Kakashi thinking I'm weak and Kakashi was angry at him for thinking it was okay for me to get hurt. Yikes, I wanna be invisible for a moment. Shift your attention to Naruto, please.

Kakashi: "Anyway, Good job Naruto, those were nice moves"

Naruto smiled happily, getting praised is always nice, especially for Naruto. Naruto then challenged Zabuza to fight him and he accepted. They spent the rest of the day fighting, well more like Zabuza was making fun of Naruto, who didn't land a single hit and was only getting bullied by Zabuza. Kakashi was pretending to watch over them from the distance while having his face planted in a certain book... When the sun started to set, Haku brought dinner for all of us, even Kakashi. We all sat together and ate peacefully, but not quietly, thanks to Naruto.

The next day I left Konoha. This time with permission. My destination was the hidden village of Sand. Why? Because For a few weeks team 7 will be doing boring missions that I don't want to participate in, so instead I'll be visiting Gaara, to see how he's doing.

I didn't feel like walking through the desert and getting potentially caught in a sandstorm, so I just flew over there and I was there in about 30 hours. And oh boy, flying for that long sure is exhausting. When I arrived they checked my ID and entry permit and then I was allowed inside, where Gaara was already waiting for me. I came closer and he hugged me.

Gaara: "I'm so glad that you're fine, I wanted to get you out of the prison but we had to leave, thank you for coming to visit me"

Gaara showed me around the village and told me about what happened back when I was in prison and how Naruto changed him ad that his dream now is to be acknowledged by the people of Suna and become the Kazekage.

Gaara: "You like grilled chicken, do I remember that right?"

Oh? I furiously nodded yes.

Gaara chuckled and then we went to his house, where we were welcomed by Temari and Kankurou who just finished making dinner.

Temari: "Welcome back Gaara, hello Aoi"

Aoi: "Woof"

Temari: "Okay everyone, sit down and let's eat"

Everyone: "Itadakimasu" 

Aoi: "Woof!"

Kankurou: "Heh, nice to see you again Aoi, not as an enemy anymore though"

After dinner, Gaara and Kankurou did the dishes while I let myself be brushed by Temari, which felt great btw. Then Temari and Kankurou went to sleep. I and Gaara went to watch the stars on the roof. We didn't talk, just watched the stars in peace. That was until...

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