After the war

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I and Itachi looked at Sasuke, who immediately noticed it and looked back at us. Then he frowned and looked at the cocoons where the five Kage were. He sighed and came closer to us.

Sasuke: "I-I...I don't want revenge anymore, nor do I wish to reform the world... I'm just glad to have my brother back"

I couldn't help but wag my tails from happiness when I heard him. Itachi's shoulders sunk in relief and so did everyone else's. Naruto silently came up to him and gave him a light hug. Itachi and Kakashi patted his shoulder and Sakura cried with happiness. Then it was time to dispel the Infinite Tsukuyomi and free everyone.

Hagoromo gave his one last goodbye to the tailed beasts and then turned to me. I perked up my ears to listen carefully. He touched my nose and said:

Hagomoro: "Please look after them for me and be careful"

Aoi: "I will!" They are more likely to look after me though, hehe.

He disappeared and everyone started celebrating, screaming from the top of their lungs. I howled and the beasts roared. After everyone calmed down, we needed to deal with the aftermath. It took 4 months for everything to go back to normal as there were too many injured. No one had time to properly sleep or relax until yesterday. Places that got caught up in the war were being rebuilt by joined forces of all the nations. Injured were distributed between the villages based on their capacity and the injured nationalities.

I was working together with Yamato, Akatsuchi, Kurotsuchi and other highly skilled earth users. We had to terraform a lot of places to either their original state or one suitable to be inhabited. Those not in the medical field or not skilled in earth chakra usage were sent to provide relief to families who lost their loved ones and were in need of support.

To maintain the now strong bond between countries and their villages, a shinobi union was formed and representatives of each village would discuss problems with each other and find solutions together.

Naruto: "Oi Aooooiii, stop hanging out with Captain Yamato all the time and come with me to see Sasuke!"

Naruto jumped on top of my snout, making me cross my eyes and look silly as I looked at him. He bursted out laughing and fell on his back.

Aoi: "Haha very funny"

Naruto: "You should really see yourself bwahaha, but seriously, they'll be fine without you, let's go"

I shifted to a horse size me and he jumped onto my back. I gave Yamato a worried look. He looked at me, bags and dark circles under his eyes, his trembling hand formed a very shaky thumbs up and he gave me a closed-eyed smile. I put my ears back flat, feeling really guilty for leaving him there.

Kurotsuchi: "Don't worry, we'll make sure he doesn't die from overworking"

Naruto: "You hear that? Onwards my trustful steed!"

Aoi: "You are too carefree, jeez"

I spread my wings and took off, heading for Konoha. Landing at the gate earned us quite a few greetings from passerby and shinobi on duty.

Ino: "Oh my god! Guys! It's Naruto and Aoi! Look!"

I turned around when I heard the familiar voice. Ino was there along with Shikamaru and Chouji. They seemed to be carrying piles of documents to the Hokage's office. After hearing Ino saw us, Shikamaru and Chouji struggled to peek from behind their luggage, almost making the paper towers collapse and scatter in the wind. I quickly approached them and helped them with it.

Chouji: "Uh thank you so much"

Chouji was exercising and massaging his sore arms. Shikamaru cracked his neck and thanked me too.

Shikamaru: "What are you doing here, we haven't seen you in Konoha for two months, are you done terraforming?"

Aoi: "Not really, but the whiney boy wanted to hang out and visit Sasuke"

Naruto pouted and the three chuckled and I along with them. Both them and we were in a hurry so shortly after, we bid them farewell and made our way to the prison. We met Kakashi and Sakura right outside the entrance to the underground part of the prison, where Sasuke was being held.

Naruto: "Kakashi-sensei?! What are you doing here?"

Sakura: "It's Hokage-sama, Naruto!" 

She scolded him and tried to hit him out of habit, I released a low growl in displeasure. She jolted her fist away from Naruto, remembering that I don't tolerate it, even as a joke. Kakashi sighed and I could almost hear his thoughts. Probably thinking something like:

'I'm too old for this stuff, why did I get coerced into being the Hokage...'


Kakashi: "Leave it be Sakura, as for your question Naruto, we're here to release Sasuke today, he's free to go now, also... hey there Aoi, long time no see"

I waved my paw at him.

Naruto: "That's awesome! Let's go see him quickly!"

Sasuke was held in a metal cage, completely bound in a straight jacket suit and blindfolded. When he heard us come in, his head snapped towards the door. Kakashi stepped forward and removed his blindfold.

Sasuke: "Am I going to be released?"

Kakashi: "Yup, all the procedures are finished and paperwork filled, you're free to go"

He gave him a small smile and then looked at me.

Sasuke: "Hey Aoi, how's Nii-san?"

Aoi: "He's doing well, he's looking forward to seeing you again"

Sasuke's head sank into his lap, presumably trying to hide his expression and possibly tears. I'm not surprised though. Sakura approached him too and helped Kakashi free Sasuke of the straight jacket suit. He stretched his whole body while Sakura rummaged in a bag she brought with her. She took out a set of clothes in Sasuke's style and handed them to him. He thanked her and Kakashi brought him to a changing room. A few minutes later he came out and the guards gave him all of his weapons and other equipment back.

We all went out and Kakashi decided to treat everyone to some Ichiraku ramen. Naruto was overjoyed, wolfing down bowls after bowls, Kakashi calmly ate his ramen, Sasuke was trying to hide his smile while eating and Sakura was holding back her tears.

I was quietly wagging my tail while watching them.

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